Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lets Talk Holy War

Alright, so after reading over the rules several times I've come to a conclusion. The new Rage of Bahamut Holy War set up is awesome.

Now, pretty much everything is the same as what it was last war in regards to skills. The major difference is that once an Order declares war, they are declared for the entire day.

At first I was pretty stumped. I re-read that change over and over again can't be right. That's...unfair. It takes all planning out of the war. Then it sunk in.

When my Order went to war...we won. It was never a question on who was going to win, it was a question of how many points we could accumulate in that time. I think we only went to war 6 times in the last Rage of Bahamut Holy Wars and ended up just over 40. In the end, it didn't feel like a competition, but a match on who could spend the most.

Not only that, but it made it difficult to properly match Orders, but if all are in the 'war' pool, they can be properly matched up.

The Schedule ET:

Day 1:
3pm - 430pm
6pm - 730pm
830pm - 10pm

Day 2: 
1130am - 1pm
3pm - 430pm
6pm - 730pm
830pm - 10pm

Day 3:
1130am - 1pm
3pm - 430pm
6pm - 730pm
830pm - 10pm

Day 4:
1130am - 1pm
3pm - 430pm
6pm - 730pm
830pm - 10pm

So, now this schedule might not work for you. Actually, it won't work for a lot of people, but with the ease and speed of point accumulation, all it will take is a couple wars to get your proper rank.

Advantages of the new system:
-Players can be matched up properly
-Players can't just wait to stack all their players to win a war
-People who wait til the last day to push...might end up royally screwed
-Players aren't held to an absurd time commitment

-Fewer wars overall
-Times might not work for players

Overall: I love the change. The pros grossly outweigh the cons for me. Matches that are more competitive are great. People will be more likely to be matched up against people of their rank and as a result it will be harder to win 100%. Also, it removes that feeling of 'is my order at war?' and checking constantly only to find out you missed the big one.

How to do well:
Plan around your team. The same theory for winning from last time holds true this time. Stacking chain and Shingeki will make your attackers pretty much invincible. The only difference is this time you are given the schedule of WHEN people need to be on.

Now, obviously you shouldn't require people to sit through 15 matches. That's more time in a four day period then what I used to spend pushing heroic content in Warcraft. It's just too much. But what I would say is set one match each day that you can have at least 75% of your order on for. Four huge wins, and maybe 2-3 small wins during slow times is what you should aim for.

The key will be winning the matches you commit to because it becomes even more important than ever. Calling it quits and rescheduling when you are grossly outgunned plays a role as well. Remember, adaptation to bad situations will help get you further in the longer run. It sucks to blow 1000HP on battle only to end up losing. It would be better to call it quits when you're 100HP in and save that 900HP for a match you can win.

So, good luck, have fun.


  1. Honestly, the real question is, how much HP do you think is left after the last 2 events. We don't need anymore events. We need time to recoup.

  2. For americans the schedule might be good, but for people in other parts of the world it isnt very great. I will only be able to participate in a maximum of 6/15, and that is if everything else in my life actually allows me to do so. I think it is very unfair to have a schedule that is all setup for north americans. They really should have had war every 6hrs or so instead so everyone would have an equal chance of participating regardless of timezone/night-time work/whatever.

  3. Agree with Manne, as an Australian, those times equate to 3:30am through 2pm. Since I usually work evening shift I sleep from about 2am to 11am, leaving me with 1 war per day if I'm lucky... Guess I'll have to relinquish ATK LDR on one account and hope both of my accounts don't get kicked from their orders for non-activity :(

  4. These schedules sux bad for all players outside the US. But i guess mobage will have to learn this the hard way. No money from us during HW:s. And if we can't be in HW:s will we play at all?

    1. I imagine that they looked at which countries are spending the most money before they made the decisions.

    2. We are talking cygames/mobage here....I doubt the US will spend enough extra to cover for the loss from Rest of the World. The US should actually have to spend less to rank since there will be less competition.

  5. I like this setup, but I think that a lot of people aren't going to participate in this event because they haven't had enough time to recuperate. My order has decided to opt out since we don't have enough HP to be competitive.

    1. NEVER opt out of participating. What you can do if you're concerned is opt to hardly participate. Aim for one good war where you each spend 5HP. If you do that, you should all probably end up making a little extra. The key would all be getting on in unison.

      Also, save that type of battle for the last day of the event so you are matched against Orders that are probably inactive.

    2. Not to mention, you will get some rewards just for spending AP on HW battles. It is possible to win battles and wars without spending HP, you just won't finish as high. I think this HW could actually be more fun with only 15 wars being fought.

  6. Do the 3 different HW point booster cards for each realm stack up since there all different cards with the same effect?

  7. So perhaps I'm being dense here...but will the HWs matchings/startings be automatic at those times? Or will those windows be the only times we can choose to begin a HW?

    Because if we manually have to start HWs then that opens the door to "short" HWs and the potential for all kinds of weirdness.

    1. Once you declare, you are declared for the entire day. So, @ 1500 ET on Day 1, you declare your order. You will be matched for that timeslot automatically, the 1800 ET timeslot automatically, and the 2030 ET timeslot automatically. I think the extra half hour is for order matching setup delay. You will only be fighting one war during each timeslot.

    2. Thanks. That makes a lot of sense. I'll be interested to see the reward structure now that there's a maximum 15 wars...should make the "win" tiers interesting.

    3. From what I have researched, there is a gold, silver, & bronze victory tier. You get into the tiers by getting a certain amount of victory points, but you also have to attain a certain amount of individual HW points to stay in the tier. So if your order grabbed enough victory points to put you in the gold tier, but you as an individual didn't meet the individual HW point threshold, you don't get to share in the gold rewards.

    4. In the end I think we will find that it will still be entirely based on your points like before. The major downside to tier systems is that if you are trying to carry really good active players to help them earn rewards and become more of an asset, it is much harder.

  8. I just dont see the value in spending hundreds or even thousands of HP for rewards that aren't even worth a quarter of what you spent to get them.

    1. It's true that HW have really lost value over what they used to be. But also Rage is making attempts at making them more profitable. The previous holy war they had much better shard packs for people who participated heavily and this upcoming one they will be adding different rewards as well.

      I have faith that Mobage realized that they may be been pushing for too much of a cash grab and are coming around a bit.

  9. Hey did anyone notice there are 15 battles but to get gold you need to win seventeen. I had a couple of beers but I'm pretty sure I counted right

    1. you counted right, under Order Victory Point Rewards it states that to achieve the highest reward your order has to win 17+ Victory Points, now unless Victory Points refer to something other than War Victories it doesn't add up. There are only 15 war match-ups so how does an order get 17+ Victories.

  10. Umm am I misreading something about the rewards or are they complete crap yet again? In fact I think the ranking ranges for the good rewards have gotten even narrower.

  11. battles on 1st and last day count double so 22 victory pts possible in total

  12. wow theres satan. guess i'd had to rack up 100hp the next hw. had to tell my order members too

  13. I'm not too thrilled about this HW; nor, the event after event after event. Each event, Cygames and Mobage find ways to increase what a player spends in HP. Offering better Silver Coin with Mystery Box items only made cards plummet even further (Raphaella and Michael). So, getting a recoup on HP spent didn't match up still. My Order(s) are planning on sitting this one out. Spending tons of HP on last HW - I could have just bought the cards and still have some left. Overall, it's become a terrible investment to participate in HW.

    1. My order is participating but less than usual from the sounds of it. The rewards are kind of rough again. They really need to get with it.

  14. im not so thrilled with these HW rewards too. and having these schedule wars is a bad idea!!!looks like you have to rank 500 or below 2 really get anything good but is it worth the hp your gonna spend i think not! not that i even have that much hp this time around. think i only have 70hp currently. but this wont stop me from participating just wont spend more 10-20hp. i may be wrong on this! but seems 2 me their lowering cp tickets rewards too. which if they keep that trend in other events i would guess their trying to balance coin,box as far as bazaar goes i like the free stuff and hope they dont change that much. but they should only have one login ticket reward and do away with bazaar tickets for hr cards and lower trades. and keep the bazaar tickets for sr and up trades.

    1. I like the idea of scheduled wars because it allows the system to match orders accurately in matches.

      Those rewards are rough again. With the way prizes from coins were increased in quality last time I was hoping they were catching on and would increase the ranking rewards.

    2. im sure they could come up with a better system to accurately match orders than this.. instead of schedule wars they could have went with schedule order matching updates every 2-3+ hrs during HW event making us unable to declare for half to full hour untill order matching was complete. thus giving everyone in deferent time zones reasonble hrs to wage and participate wars. instead of locking us to a certain time zone war schedule. like jason said below hardcore gamers or people with out jobs or lives lol would just stay up all night drinking coffee gaming away like they already do. so what if you miss out on a war of 2 while you sleep thats why gamers are in different time zones to pick up the slack. and i belive they would be able to accurately judge orders after 2 or 3 battles instead of after each 1. they could then tell which orders was hp spending and getting the most points and put them up against another doing the same.

      but i have no idea what they should do with rewards but they gotta do better than this soon!

  15. Yea i think the holy war is terrible because small orders don't get da chance to actually have a gd battle. I liked last holy wars it was perfect it was friendly to all small order to hardcore orders playing. Me and my order can't b on all day cause were smaller so it usually two to one person. For at least two games. I don't always have gd connection neither. Change it and give us the option to battle when we feel like it. Hardcore players r always going to b on and it seems it hasn't really affected them in anyway. Were all not players dat have over a 1000 holy powders to spare so look out for da little guys here. I do Wat i can but s#@%! man come on seriously

    1. Not true. Hard core players aren't on all the time. In fact when my Order ranking 43 (Dammit) we only fought maybe 6 wars the entire weekend. We just made the wars we fought count.

      Currently though I think the major flaw is that players who normally play late evening will have trouble putting together a day group.

  16. Many top orders not making any moves yet. My order is ranked 15 with 12mil hw pts atm. Expectation is to stay top 20; worse come to worse is top 40. And... The time difference between RoB and my country is 13 hours... -,-"

  17. I was planning on trying to make a bit of HP during this war by buying cards a bit cheap. Just realised I've got HP to spend but I'm only gonna be able to buy another 8 cards before I'm out of bazaar tickets.

    Is there any way to get tickets apart from the login campaign and card packs?

    1. Not that I know. I ask my order member (that I can trust) to buy it for me.
