All items in Rage of Bahamut have various values. These values always fluctuate based on which events are running. These are the rough values of items based on which events are running.
No Event:
Cure Water (CW): 35-45k
Holy Powder (HP): 90-110k
Magic Circle: 2k
Normal Card (N): 3k
High Normal Card (HN): 10k
Skilled High Normal Card: 15k
Rare Card (R): 200-300k, 2-3HP, 4-6CW
Defensive High Rare Card (HR): 15-30HP
Offensive High Rare Card (HR): 25-45HP
S Rare Card (SR): 80-200HP
SS Rare Card (SSR): Highly volatile, generally will never go for straight HP
Holy War:
Cure Water (CW): 30k
Holy Powder (HP): 110-150k
Magic Circle: 2k
Cards- Cards that give boosts to wall damage and to bonus points during holy war peak in value the week before a Holy War.
Questing Event:
Cure Water (CW): 45k
Holy Powder (HP): 80-100k
Magic Circle: 2k
Cards- Cards earned during the event will go for peak values during the event, the earlier in the event the higher the value.
Naturally all these prices are fluctuating at all times.
An ongoing guide for the game Rage of Bahamut. The guide is updated regularly and contains Rage of Bahamut tips, and Rage of Bahamut information.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
High Rares
High Rares (HR) are arguably the hardest card grouping to break into. The reason for the relatively high cost of HR cards is that they are the first of what I call endgame tier cards.
The values of High Rare cards are tough to determine, but range from 15HP-60HP. The only HR I have seen go for 60HP is Brunnhilde. For those who aren't aware, HP is the main currency for purchasing High Rares although many people will only trade their HR for other HR, not HP.
I previously mentioned in Making a Strong Deck that players should first work on using rares to create a strong deck before delving into the High Rare market. The reason is there are only four ways I'm aware of to naturally come across High Rares.
The Four Legend Card Packs given as rewards, Holy Wars/Special Event Rewards, Weekly Battle Rankings, and actual purchases of Legend Card Packs using moba coins. Notice two out of the four are impacted by the power of your deck (Holy Wars/Special Events, Weekly Battle Ranking).
Now I'm going walk through what might be the normal sequence in which you acquire a HR.
Story Begin-
Lucarda has been browsing cards and notices a player with a card called Nightmare, he wants to acquire six of that card.
Step one is finding out how much Holy Powder he would need to purchase the card. For this he checks Rage-of-Bahamut Forums, a great site for Auctions and Trades. Lucarda found out at the forums that this card can be purchased for as little as 38HP and as high as 55HP but most of the time sells for 40-45HP. Lucarda only has 20HP.
Lucarda decides rather than get discouraged that he'll need 240HP for 6 of them, he will move forward. Lucarda begins farming level 2-2 for Man/God/Demon normals and combines them into High Normal cards. He then makes a post on Rage-of-Bahamut Forums and his Order that he is currently selling 9 High Normals for 1HP each. Every time his stamina is refreshed he uses it in this fashion. He acquires 5HP a day doing this. In four days he purchases his first Nightmare from a player who posted on the forums.
Lucarda continues to gain HP by offering feeder service on the forums and in his order. While he is doing this an event starts and Lucarda swaps his attention over to the event. Due to his heavy participation Lucarda acquires a High Rare during the event, he sells high during the event and gains 20HP (Event High Rares are normally less effective than true High Rares). Lucarda acquires two more cards which he sells for 15HP each before the event is over.
During this time Lucarda also has three referrals to gain him the new referral bonus card which he sells for 3-4HP each.
Lucarda now has 60HP+whatever he has gained doing feeder service before and after the event. With this he acquires two more Nightmare.
Lucarda repeats this process and after a month or less (with a little luck) of hard work gets his 6max Nightmare formed. Lucarda now sees somebody with a card called Inugami and continues his effort.
-The End
I hope people who read this understand that it will often time take quite a bit of work to break into the High Rare market. There are other unethical ways of breaking into the market, Tricking Newbies with Treasure Cards, Tricking Newbies into giving you all their HP for crappy cards, etc. The key is to keep an eye on the forums to gauge current going prices since they can change daily.
The values of High Rare cards are tough to determine, but range from 15HP-60HP. The only HR I have seen go for 60HP is Brunnhilde. For those who aren't aware, HP is the main currency for purchasing High Rares although many people will only trade their HR for other HR, not HP.
I previously mentioned in Making a Strong Deck that players should first work on using rares to create a strong deck before delving into the High Rare market. The reason is there are only four ways I'm aware of to naturally come across High Rares.
The Four Legend Card Packs given as rewards, Holy Wars/Special Event Rewards, Weekly Battle Rankings, and actual purchases of Legend Card Packs using moba coins. Notice two out of the four are impacted by the power of your deck (Holy Wars/Special Events, Weekly Battle Ranking).
Now I'm going walk through what might be the normal sequence in which you acquire a HR.
Story Begin-
Lucarda has been browsing cards and notices a player with a card called Nightmare, he wants to acquire six of that card.
Step one is finding out how much Holy Powder he would need to purchase the card. For this he checks Rage-of-Bahamut Forums, a great site for Auctions and Trades. Lucarda found out at the forums that this card can be purchased for as little as 38HP and as high as 55HP but most of the time sells for 40-45HP. Lucarda only has 20HP.
Lucarda decides rather than get discouraged that he'll need 240HP for 6 of them, he will move forward. Lucarda begins farming level 2-2 for Man/God/Demon normals and combines them into High Normal cards. He then makes a post on Rage-of-Bahamut Forums and his Order that he is currently selling 9 High Normals for 1HP each. Every time his stamina is refreshed he uses it in this fashion. He acquires 5HP a day doing this. In four days he purchases his first Nightmare from a player who posted on the forums.
Lucarda continues to gain HP by offering feeder service on the forums and in his order. While he is doing this an event starts and Lucarda swaps his attention over to the event. Due to his heavy participation Lucarda acquires a High Rare during the event, he sells high during the event and gains 20HP (Event High Rares are normally less effective than true High Rares). Lucarda acquires two more cards which he sells for 15HP each before the event is over.
During this time Lucarda also has three referrals to gain him the new referral bonus card which he sells for 3-4HP each.
Lucarda now has 60HP+whatever he has gained doing feeder service before and after the event. With this he acquires two more Nightmare.
Lucarda repeats this process and after a month or less (with a little luck) of hard work gets his 6max Nightmare formed. Lucarda now sees somebody with a card called Inugami and continues his effort.
-The End
I hope people who read this understand that it will often time take quite a bit of work to break into the High Rare market. There are other unethical ways of breaking into the market, Tricking Newbies with Treasure Cards, Tricking Newbies into giving you all their HP for crappy cards, etc. The key is to keep an eye on the forums to gauge current going prices since they can change daily.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Battle Rankings
The newly implemented Battle Ranking in Rage of Bahamut is a nice approach to getting players more involved with attacking. The system establishes a rank for players based on the number of points they accumulate in a a day. Points are accumulated through successfully attacking an opponent or successfully defending from an opponent.
The rewards for doing well in the rankings are gems. Gems can be used to buy card packs, rare cards, or holy powder/cure water. Gem rewards are given out based on weekly ranking, not daily.
Daily ranking is used to earn titles. Hitting a certain daily ranking a specific number of times will result in an earned title and often a reward (card packs/hp/cw).
Previously in my Rage of Bahamut Guide I put very little stock in defense because during Holy Wars you only needed one great defense leader to hold your ground, the implementation of Battle Ranking has changed that quite a bit. The highest point totals in battle ranking are achieved by defending from numerous player attacks since you only lose a portion of your defense from successfully defending. See Defense for details.
Using no holy powder and these numbers:
Attacking: 100pts per attack, can attack once every 100 minutes, 1440 minutes in a day, 14 attacks, 1400 points total.
Defending: 50pts per defend, can defend once every 10 minutes, 1440 minutes in a day, 144 defends,
7200 points total. Same math with as low as 20pts per defend, 2880 points total. You will see some people attaining 80k points. I can only assume this is done through some method of cheating.
As you can see, Defending is significantly better for points assuming you can keep people attack you.
Had I anticipated the system working like this I would have gotten 150 defense instead of 130. I would have also gathered blue artifacts in large quantity since they are the rarest and people will most often attack for them. Finally, I would have worked harder on my defense deck instead of offense aiming for roughly 70k defense unbuffed for a rough cost of 110 Defense points (ensures I can be attacked 4 times within 10 minutes without losing cards).
One thing to remember, it is not worth using HP for this event. The amount of HP you would need to use to match the people in the top rankings would grossly outweigh the amount of HP needed to simply purchase the reward you're after.
The rewards for doing well in the rankings are gems. Gems can be used to buy card packs, rare cards, or holy powder/cure water. Gem rewards are given out based on weekly ranking, not daily.
Daily ranking is used to earn titles. Hitting a certain daily ranking a specific number of times will result in an earned title and often a reward (card packs/hp/cw).
Previously in my Rage of Bahamut Guide I put very little stock in defense because during Holy Wars you only needed one great defense leader to hold your ground, the implementation of Battle Ranking has changed that quite a bit. The highest point totals in battle ranking are achieved by defending from numerous player attacks since you only lose a portion of your defense from successfully defending. See Defense for details.
Using no holy powder and these numbers:
Attacking: 100pts per attack, can attack once every 100 minutes, 1440 minutes in a day, 14 attacks, 1400 points total.
Defending: 50pts per defend, can defend once every 10 minutes, 1440 minutes in a day, 144 defends,
7200 points total. Same math with as low as 20pts per defend, 2880 points total. You will see some people attaining 80k points. I can only assume this is done through some method of cheating.
As you can see, Defending is significantly better for points assuming you can keep people attack you.
Had I anticipated the system working like this I would have gotten 150 defense instead of 130. I would have also gathered blue artifacts in large quantity since they are the rarest and people will most often attack for them. Finally, I would have worked harder on my defense deck instead of offense aiming for roughly 70k defense unbuffed for a rough cost of 110 Defense points (ensures I can be attacked 4 times within 10 minutes without losing cards).
One thing to remember, it is not worth using HP for this event. The amount of HP you would need to use to match the people in the top rankings would grossly outweigh the amount of HP needed to simply purchase the reward you're after.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Man Alignment
I decided that I wanted to do a three part series on the
advantages/disadvantages of various alignments and the third one is Man Alignment.
Man alignment has a significant disadvantage. Man cards have neither the best offensive cards nor defensive cards. Their topmost cards are competitive but fall just short of their Demon/God counterparts.
Man is the least popular alignment in the game. As a result man cards have lower value and are thus easier to attain and easier to build a stronger deck with. This gives man a huge edge during early and mid game, but their edge falls of late game due to the superior attack of Demon Alignment and the superior defense of God Alignment. Because on average a person playing Man Alignment should be able to more cost effectively attain better cards, Man could be arguably the best alignment.
I believe the somewhat weaker defense and offense of Man Alignment has little to no effect overall. Players will never be able to attain all the best cards since the developers will continue to create new ones, players will always be in a state of almost near the top. Because players won't reach that peak people playing Man Alignment will always be able to attain their best faster due to cost. This means that Man should have a higher percent of players with better decks. But I would say the top Demon Realm player will beat the top man player.
Should somebody manage to have all the best cards available in every slot of their deck for Man Alignment, that person will only be beatable by players with the top cards of their respective alignments.
I believe that Man Alignment during endgame is currently the weakest alignment in the game, but since we technically have a true endgame, they could be considered the most powerful because of the ease of gathering cards.
Man alignment has a significant disadvantage. Man cards have neither the best offensive cards nor defensive cards. Their topmost cards are competitive but fall just short of their Demon/God counterparts.
Man is the least popular alignment in the game. As a result man cards have lower value and are thus easier to attain and easier to build a stronger deck with. This gives man a huge edge during early and mid game, but their edge falls of late game due to the superior attack of Demon Alignment and the superior defense of God Alignment. Because on average a person playing Man Alignment should be able to more cost effectively attain better cards, Man could be arguably the best alignment.
I believe the somewhat weaker defense and offense of Man Alignment has little to no effect overall. Players will never be able to attain all the best cards since the developers will continue to create new ones, players will always be in a state of almost near the top. Because players won't reach that peak people playing Man Alignment will always be able to attain their best faster due to cost. This means that Man should have a higher percent of players with better decks. But I would say the top Demon Realm player will beat the top man player.
Should somebody manage to have all the best cards available in every slot of their deck for Man Alignment, that person will only be beatable by players with the top cards of their respective alignments.
I believe that Man Alignment during endgame is currently the weakest alignment in the game, but since we technically have a true endgame, they could be considered the most powerful because of the ease of gathering cards.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
God Alignment
I decided that I wanted to do a three part series on the
advantages/disadvantages of various alignments and the second one is God Alignment.
God alignment has no significant disadvantage. It is hindered slightly by the growing popularity. God cards have few great offensive cards and this coupled with the fact they are the second most popular race, makes offensive cards hard to gather as God alignment. Brunnhildes are one of the most sought after card and actually have a higher value than some the best High Rare Demon cards. This makes it expensive to create a powerful attack deck for cards but creating a great defense deck is less expensive.
Gods have the best defense in the game. Many of the God cards have the highest defensive stats out of the Rage of Bahamut cards. Because of this God cards can be used to create a very powerful defensive deck early on. Also, later on they have the strongest defense coupled with the second strongest offense.
I believe the advantage for Gods far outweighs the fact that there are few viable offensive cards. They have the second highest offense and the highest defense. As far as endgame viability they should be the most powerful alignment. If you read my previous post you should remember though that winning vs losing is more heavily dictated by which cards trigger their skills.
Should somebody manage to have all the best cards available in every slot of their deck for God Alignment, that person would be only be beatable by an offensive deck focused on defeating Gods.
I believe that God alignment during endgame is currently the best alignment in the game.
God alignment has no significant disadvantage. It is hindered slightly by the growing popularity. God cards have few great offensive cards and this coupled with the fact they are the second most popular race, makes offensive cards hard to gather as God alignment. Brunnhildes are one of the most sought after card and actually have a higher value than some the best High Rare Demon cards. This makes it expensive to create a powerful attack deck for cards but creating a great defense deck is less expensive.
Gods have the best defense in the game. Many of the God cards have the highest defensive stats out of the Rage of Bahamut cards. Because of this God cards can be used to create a very powerful defensive deck early on. Also, later on they have the strongest defense coupled with the second strongest offense.
I believe the advantage for Gods far outweighs the fact that there are few viable offensive cards. They have the second highest offense and the highest defense. As far as endgame viability they should be the most powerful alignment. If you read my previous post you should remember though that winning vs losing is more heavily dictated by which cards trigger their skills.
Should somebody manage to have all the best cards available in every slot of their deck for God Alignment, that person would be only be beatable by an offensive deck focused on defeating Gods.
I believe that God alignment during endgame is currently the best alignment in the game.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Demon Alignment
I decided that I wanted to do a three part series on the advantages/disadvantages of various alignments and would begin with Demon alignment.
Demon alignment has the biggest disadvantage in the game, that disadvantage is being the most popular alignment. This ensures that anybody who decides to choose Demon alignment will have to pay a significant mark up on powerful cards of Demon alignment. Rage of Bahamut rewards Demon alignment has an advantage that made them initially popular.
Demons have the most powerful attack cards with some of the best skills to increase attack power or decrease enemy defenses. There are cards within the Demon realm that do have high defense, but do not compare to either other realm in terms of power. Having the highest attack power out of the realms gives demons the ability to power through the defensive leaders during Holy Wars. It also encourages players to build heavy attack power and accumulate heavy points and rankings during Holy Wars.
The disadvantage here far outweighs the advantage. The game has been progressing and Gods are showing to have only a slight difference in attack capability. They are close enough in attack to note that the difference between the winner and loser will be decided by which card skills activate.
Should somebody manage to have all the best cards available in every slot of their deck for Demon Alignment, that person would be unbeatable. This means that should somebody essentially "beat" the game, Demon Alignment would be shown to be the best alignment. But outside of those circumstances I have never come across a situation where being a specific alignment determined the victor vs which skills activated.
Demon alignment has the biggest disadvantage in the game, that disadvantage is being the most popular alignment. This ensures that anybody who decides to choose Demon alignment will have to pay a significant mark up on powerful cards of Demon alignment. Rage of Bahamut rewards Demon alignment has an advantage that made them initially popular.
Demons have the most powerful attack cards with some of the best skills to increase attack power or decrease enemy defenses. There are cards within the Demon realm that do have high defense, but do not compare to either other realm in terms of power. Having the highest attack power out of the realms gives demons the ability to power through the defensive leaders during Holy Wars. It also encourages players to build heavy attack power and accumulate heavy points and rankings during Holy Wars.
The disadvantage here far outweighs the advantage. The game has been progressing and Gods are showing to have only a slight difference in attack capability. They are close enough in attack to note that the difference between the winner and loser will be decided by which card skills activate.
Should somebody manage to have all the best cards available in every slot of their deck for Demon Alignment, that person would be unbeatable. This means that should somebody essentially "beat" the game, Demon Alignment would be shown to be the best alignment. But outside of those circumstances I have never come across a situation where being a specific alignment determined the victor vs which skills activated.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
A lot of people get upset when their treasure is stolen early game. It's important to realize that the items you get from treasure aren't really valuable. There are a few important facts to note about treasure and the purpose it servers.
Treasure is used for three things, to create a card, to donate to your order, and to encourage people to attack you.
To create the card you need one of each of the colors. Each race has the ability to get certain colors. Rage of Bahamut does this to encourage people to battle. Besides battling opponents with the treasure you want, you can also ask people in your order to gift it to you. I find the latter way to be faster. Once you gather your treasure, you create a card. This card cannot be evolved and is generally very weak. Most often you will see people trying to trade "treasure cards" to new players. Because these cards aren't valuable they don't really warrant pushing to completion.
Sometimes events require you to gather treasure. Event treasure cannot be gifted and it is necessary you fight for it. Cards from even treasure are generally better than cards from normal treasure and at least for the Easter event, could be evolved.
You can also donate your excess treasure to your order. This treasure counts as rupies donated to your order. This is a very common use for treasure.
Finally, stockpiling treasure acts as a nice carrot to get people to attack you. I get people attacking me several times a day for treasure because I use a weak face card on my deck for my level, maintain heavy treasure, and don't have a huge amount of defense points. About one in eight attacks beat my defense. Because of this each time an opponent loses I gain 2-10k rupies.
What I want you to pull away from this:
Treasure isn't valuable. Don't let people trick you into trading for treasure cards. Treasures primary purpose once you get the card is to donate to the order. Stockpiling treasure is a good way to get people to attack you.
Treasure is used for three things, to create a card, to donate to your order, and to encourage people to attack you.
To create the card you need one of each of the colors. Each race has the ability to get certain colors. Rage of Bahamut does this to encourage people to battle. Besides battling opponents with the treasure you want, you can also ask people in your order to gift it to you. I find the latter way to be faster. Once you gather your treasure, you create a card. This card cannot be evolved and is generally very weak. Most often you will see people trying to trade "treasure cards" to new players. Because these cards aren't valuable they don't really warrant pushing to completion.
Sometimes events require you to gather treasure. Event treasure cannot be gifted and it is necessary you fight for it. Cards from even treasure are generally better than cards from normal treasure and at least for the Easter event, could be evolved.
You can also donate your excess treasure to your order. This treasure counts as rupies donated to your order. This is a very common use for treasure.
Finally, stockpiling treasure acts as a nice carrot to get people to attack you. I get people attacking me several times a day for treasure because I use a weak face card on my deck for my level, maintain heavy treasure, and don't have a huge amount of defense points. About one in eight attacks beat my defense. Because of this each time an opponent loses I gain 2-10k rupies.
What I want you to pull away from this:
Treasure isn't valuable. Don't let people trick you into trading for treasure cards. Treasures primary purpose once you get the card is to donate to the order. Stockpiling treasure is a good way to get people to attack you.
Making a Strong Deck
A lot of people struggle with making powerful decks. This is because Rage of Bahamut only gives you four legend card packs to start and generally you only get rares out of these. On top of this few players have the proper points to create both a powerful attack deck and defense deck.
I'm going to cover a few ways to make life easier while starting out. I am assuming that you have already leveled stamina to 80pts and are now working on either attack or defense as your next stat.
Starter Deck (25-60 Attack Points/Defense Points):
A deck like this should be comprised of normals/high normals. Many normals can have point ranges of 3-12. A key thing to remember is you should always attempt to have a full deck (five cards). The next note is that a fully evolved card uses the same amount of points as the first form of the card. This means that cards that are normal and fully evolved into high normals will be the most efficient cards. Do not waste time leveling the card until the card is in its final form. After the card reaches its final form, level it to about 10-15 and just leave it, eventually you'll use this card as a "feeder" for a better card. You can start out with a 12 point card and four 3 point cards in your deck. As you get more attack points, start adding fully evolved 12 point cards as you accumulate them. Do not worry about the cards realm at this point in creating a deck. As you gradually get more attack points, swap out your 3 point cards with 12 point cards. You should be doing this until you hit roughly 60 attack/defense points because at that point you can stack five 12 point cards.
Leveling Deck (60-120 Attack Points/Defense Points):
You should now have a deck comprised of 12 point high normal cards. At this point (sometimes sooner) you should be noticing that cards are showing up that have 11-16 point usage values. Some of these cards begin as high normals, and when you combine four of them become rares. These cards often have "skills" that boost your attack/defense or debuff enemy attack/defense. You should be aiming to get four of these cards, evolve them, and level them to 10-15. Replace your weakest previous deck card with the card you evolved. You may also start to notice the appearance of rare cards. These will make up the bulk of your next deck so save them or look for 6 matching ones. After you have 6 matching ones, perform what is called a 6-2 enhancement. This means you combine three cards into the ++ version, then you combine the other three into a separate ++ version, then you max the levels on them and combine them together. These cards often have a cost of 16 power to use and values of 8-12k attack/defense.
Core Deck (120+ Attack Points/Defense Points):
Once you accumulate a decent deck through leveling by combining high normals into rares, you should now be moving up to Rares and combining them into high rares. I call this your core deck because once you have five 6-2 evolved rares you can start aiming to gather High Rares. Breaking into this market is tougher than breaking into the SR or SSR market.
If you have five 6-2 maxed rares you will not be needing to feed new cards. This means all the small cards you get can be sold for feeder service to somebody for either 30k for 9 normal cards (goblins from quest 2-5) or you can get 100-130k for 9 High Normals (goblins from quest 2-5 you combined into their final form). You can also sometimes get 1HP for 9HN.
The importance of this is that accumulating High Rares can only be done by purchasing them with Holy Powder or trading other High Rares for them. A normal High Rare will go for 20-50 Holy Powder depending on the card. As you start to accumulate them you can create what's called a 6max (maxed the card every time before evolving) version of the card or a 6-6 (maxed the card 6/8 times before evolving) version of the card. I do not recommend doing a 6-2 with High Rares, you lower its value for later trades into SR.
This concludes the how to portion of the guide. If it seems like it's a lot of trouble, it's because it is. If it were easy everybody would have great cards.
Some cards to note while leveling:
Starter: Ogre, Hamsa, Thunder Elemental, Wind Elemental, Water Elemental, Jiao
Leveling: Altas, Wyrm, Salamander, Archangel, Sylph, Gnome
Core (Rare): Kratos, Agni, High Pixie, Yinglong, Daphne
Core (High Rare): Ifrit, Titan, Brunnhilde, Ares, Elaine
Starter: Thief, Ronin, Ninja Trainee, Young Gunner, Kunoichi Trainee
Leveling: Warrior, Lancer, Samurai, Shaman, Dancer, Ninja, Lady Gunner
Core (Rare): Gladiator, High Ninja, High Dancer, High Shaman, High Lancer
Core (High Rare): Berserker, Master Witch, Great Spirit, Dancing Princess
Starter: Cat Vixen, Dark Elfling, Lilith, Baby Dragon
Leveling: Dragon, Hobgoblin, Empusa, Naga, Skeleton Fighter
Core (Rare): Elder Dragon, Succubus, Melusine, Garmr, High Daemon
Core (High Rare): Nightmare, Archdaemon, Ark Dragon, Inugami, Minotaur
I'm going to cover a few ways to make life easier while starting out. I am assuming that you have already leveled stamina to 80pts and are now working on either attack or defense as your next stat.
Starter Deck (25-60 Attack Points/Defense Points):
A deck like this should be comprised of normals/high normals. Many normals can have point ranges of 3-12. A key thing to remember is you should always attempt to have a full deck (five cards). The next note is that a fully evolved card uses the same amount of points as the first form of the card. This means that cards that are normal and fully evolved into high normals will be the most efficient cards. Do not waste time leveling the card until the card is in its final form. After the card reaches its final form, level it to about 10-15 and just leave it, eventually you'll use this card as a "feeder" for a better card. You can start out with a 12 point card and four 3 point cards in your deck. As you get more attack points, start adding fully evolved 12 point cards as you accumulate them. Do not worry about the cards realm at this point in creating a deck. As you gradually get more attack points, swap out your 3 point cards with 12 point cards. You should be doing this until you hit roughly 60 attack/defense points because at that point you can stack five 12 point cards.
Leveling Deck (60-120 Attack Points/Defense Points):
You should now have a deck comprised of 12 point high normal cards. At this point (sometimes sooner) you should be noticing that cards are showing up that have 11-16 point usage values. Some of these cards begin as high normals, and when you combine four of them become rares. These cards often have "skills" that boost your attack/defense or debuff enemy attack/defense. You should be aiming to get four of these cards, evolve them, and level them to 10-15. Replace your weakest previous deck card with the card you evolved. You may also start to notice the appearance of rare cards. These will make up the bulk of your next deck so save them or look for 6 matching ones. After you have 6 matching ones, perform what is called a 6-2 enhancement. This means you combine three cards into the ++ version, then you combine the other three into a separate ++ version, then you max the levels on them and combine them together. These cards often have a cost of 16 power to use and values of 8-12k attack/defense.
Core Deck (120+ Attack Points/Defense Points):
Once you accumulate a decent deck through leveling by combining high normals into rares, you should now be moving up to Rares and combining them into high rares. I call this your core deck because once you have five 6-2 evolved rares you can start aiming to gather High Rares. Breaking into this market is tougher than breaking into the SR or SSR market.
If you have five 6-2 maxed rares you will not be needing to feed new cards. This means all the small cards you get can be sold for feeder service to somebody for either 30k for 9 normal cards (goblins from quest 2-5) or you can get 100-130k for 9 High Normals (goblins from quest 2-5 you combined into their final form). You can also sometimes get 1HP for 9HN.
The importance of this is that accumulating High Rares can only be done by purchasing them with Holy Powder or trading other High Rares for them. A normal High Rare will go for 20-50 Holy Powder depending on the card. As you start to accumulate them you can create what's called a 6max (maxed the card every time before evolving) version of the card or a 6-6 (maxed the card 6/8 times before evolving) version of the card. I do not recommend doing a 6-2 with High Rares, you lower its value for later trades into SR.
This concludes the how to portion of the guide. If it seems like it's a lot of trouble, it's because it is. If it were easy everybody would have great cards.
Some cards to note while leveling:
Starter: Ogre, Hamsa, Thunder Elemental, Wind Elemental, Water Elemental, Jiao
Leveling: Altas, Wyrm, Salamander, Archangel, Sylph, Gnome
Core (Rare): Kratos, Agni, High Pixie, Yinglong, Daphne
Core (High Rare): Ifrit, Titan, Brunnhilde, Ares, Elaine
Starter: Thief, Ronin, Ninja Trainee, Young Gunner, Kunoichi Trainee
Leveling: Warrior, Lancer, Samurai, Shaman, Dancer, Ninja, Lady Gunner
Core (Rare): Gladiator, High Ninja, High Dancer, High Shaman, High Lancer
Core (High Rare): Berserker, Master Witch, Great Spirit, Dancing Princess
Starter: Cat Vixen, Dark Elfling, Lilith, Baby Dragon
Leveling: Dragon, Hobgoblin, Empusa, Naga, Skeleton Fighter
Core (Rare): Elder Dragon, Succubus, Melusine, Garmr, High Daemon
Core (High Rare): Nightmare, Archdaemon, Ark Dragon, Inugami, Minotaur
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Holy Wars
Holy Wars are the most important event in Rage of Bahamut. Holy Wars entail attacking random enemy orders to establish an overall ranking. You also establish an overall ranking for individual players.
Ranking higher in Holy Wars gives access to the highest SR, and SSR cards. The highest rankings receive the best rewards while the rewards get less and less valuable as you move down in ranking. Because of the importance of rankings everybody needs to know how to contribute during Holy Wars. There are two rankings, Individual and Order.
Individual ranking
Individual ranking is purely based on the amount of points you gather. You'll find that more powerful opponents give more points. Attack, Defense, and Order leaders have multipliers to the points they give, so these guys are worth the most. If you attack an Order leader who would normally give you 100pts, he will give you 150 (If you win), if you attack a Defense/Attack leader that would give a 100pts he will give you 120pts (If you win). The higher points you have, the higher your ranking goes. It's a simple system. If an Order your up against has a "wall" you gain 1/2 as many points as usual.
Order ranking
Order ranking is based off of points as well but there are some differences. The highest number of points gained are won through defeating the opponent by a large margin. You won't be able to achieve a high rank for your order solo and it requires team work since the points are calculated off your total orders points vs their total orders points, and only to the victor go the spoils. Points are still calculated the same way as they are with individual rankings, a victory against an Attack leader with 100pts will give you 120pts. Now, if you continually attack the same opponent they become worth less and less. This encourages you to attack different opponents. If there is a "wall" you gain 1/2 as many points as usual.
As you can see, being able to accumulate points through attack is very important. You should also notice since you can't score a lot of points unless your order does things like take down a wall, that ensuring your Orders victory in ratings also ensures your personal victory in ratings. Also, since the rewards stack, you can double your rewards by maintaining high rankings in both.
Walls are build before Holy Wars start and have 50k health during a battle. On top of this cards do significantly reduced damage to them. There are three cards that have a special effect of boost to wall damange. Gods have Ares, Man has Master Gunner, and Demons have Mithril Golem. These cards give the boost to wall damage helping you take down a wall in fewer attacks. Once a wall is down, you will gain full points off of victories against the enemy instead of partial points.
Attack Leaders
Attack leaders are the limbs of the order. They are responsible for taking down enemy defense leaders, walls, and accumulating points. It is reasonably everybody's job to accumulate points, but the brunt of the work is put on attack leaders. Attack leaders should not only have powerful attack decks, but also have the ability to attack several times during each battle. If an attack lead only has 120 attack points he can only attack once. This hurts his point accumulation. He needs to have a strong attack deck as well as a high amount of attack power to accomplish multiple assaults.
Defense Leaders
Defense leaders are the backbone of high ranking orders. If players in the Order are under a Defense leader, none of them can be attacked until the Defense leader is beaten. If your Defense leader is very powerful he can prevent the enemy from gathering any points since they can't defeat him to open up the rest of the group to assault. When a Defense leader is attacked by somebody with 50+ attack power he loses 10 defense points. If a Defense leaders deck drops below the minimum amount to use it, a card will be substituted to one that can be used. Because of this, many Defense leaders have a couple hundred defense points, that way they take forever to defeat.
Achieving High Rankings
Achieving high rankings can only be done individually by using very large amounts of holy powder. Achieving victory as an Order is much easier. Splitting the workload with your order always helps.
Silver Coins
Based on the previous battle with another order you will be given silver coins and the ability to gift silver coins to other. You can only gift silver coins once per day so I always end up gifting at least one to each person in my order. You can use three silver coins to buy a silver card pack. The silver coin pack will have slightly better cards than normals, otherwise will not have any great cards.
If you want to win follow these rules:
1) Don't have inactive/really weak players in your order. A weak player can be targeted continually.
2) Defense leaders prevent everybody from being attacked, having a powerful one prevents an enemy from acting against you.
3) Wall take down cards are important for accumulating large amounts of points since once a wall is down we will get full points upon defeating our enemies instead of smaller portions.
4) Cards that have a skill to give additional points upon victory is also important in Rage of Bahamut.
5) Remember the role your assigned to. If you are defense leader attack, but make sure to keep a powerful defense deck
Ranking higher in Holy Wars gives access to the highest SR, and SSR cards. The highest rankings receive the best rewards while the rewards get less and less valuable as you move down in ranking. Because of the importance of rankings everybody needs to know how to contribute during Holy Wars. There are two rankings, Individual and Order.
Individual ranking
Individual ranking is purely based on the amount of points you gather. You'll find that more powerful opponents give more points. Attack, Defense, and Order leaders have multipliers to the points they give, so these guys are worth the most. If you attack an Order leader who would normally give you 100pts, he will give you 150 (If you win), if you attack a Defense/Attack leader that would give a 100pts he will give you 120pts (If you win). The higher points you have, the higher your ranking goes. It's a simple system. If an Order your up against has a "wall" you gain 1/2 as many points as usual.
Order ranking
Order ranking is based off of points as well but there are some differences. The highest number of points gained are won through defeating the opponent by a large margin. You won't be able to achieve a high rank for your order solo and it requires team work since the points are calculated off your total orders points vs their total orders points, and only to the victor go the spoils. Points are still calculated the same way as they are with individual rankings, a victory against an Attack leader with 100pts will give you 120pts. Now, if you continually attack the same opponent they become worth less and less. This encourages you to attack different opponents. If there is a "wall" you gain 1/2 as many points as usual.
As you can see, being able to accumulate points through attack is very important. You should also notice since you can't score a lot of points unless your order does things like take down a wall, that ensuring your Orders victory in ratings also ensures your personal victory in ratings. Also, since the rewards stack, you can double your rewards by maintaining high rankings in both.
Walls are build before Holy Wars start and have 50k health during a battle. On top of this cards do significantly reduced damage to them. There are three cards that have a special effect of boost to wall damange. Gods have Ares, Man has Master Gunner, and Demons have Mithril Golem. These cards give the boost to wall damage helping you take down a wall in fewer attacks. Once a wall is down, you will gain full points off of victories against the enemy instead of partial points.
Attack Leaders
Attack leaders are the limbs of the order. They are responsible for taking down enemy defense leaders, walls, and accumulating points. It is reasonably everybody's job to accumulate points, but the brunt of the work is put on attack leaders. Attack leaders should not only have powerful attack decks, but also have the ability to attack several times during each battle. If an attack lead only has 120 attack points he can only attack once. This hurts his point accumulation. He needs to have a strong attack deck as well as a high amount of attack power to accomplish multiple assaults.
Defense Leaders
Defense leaders are the backbone of high ranking orders. If players in the Order are under a Defense leader, none of them can be attacked until the Defense leader is beaten. If your Defense leader is very powerful he can prevent the enemy from gathering any points since they can't defeat him to open up the rest of the group to assault. When a Defense leader is attacked by somebody with 50+ attack power he loses 10 defense points. If a Defense leaders deck drops below the minimum amount to use it, a card will be substituted to one that can be used. Because of this, many Defense leaders have a couple hundred defense points, that way they take forever to defeat.
Achieving High Rankings
Achieving high rankings can only be done individually by using very large amounts of holy powder. Achieving victory as an Order is much easier. Splitting the workload with your order always helps.
Silver Coins
Based on the previous battle with another order you will be given silver coins and the ability to gift silver coins to other. You can only gift silver coins once per day so I always end up gifting at least one to each person in my order. You can use three silver coins to buy a silver card pack. The silver coin pack will have slightly better cards than normals, otherwise will not have any great cards.
If you want to win follow these rules:
1) Don't have inactive/really weak players in your order. A weak player can be targeted continually.
2) Defense leaders prevent everybody from being attacked, having a powerful one prevents an enemy from acting against you.
3) Wall take down cards are important for accumulating large amounts of points since once a wall is down we will get full points upon defeating our enemies instead of smaller portions.
4) Cards that have a skill to give additional points upon victory is also important in Rage of Bahamut.
5) Remember the role your assigned to. If you are defense leader attack, but make sure to keep a powerful defense deck
Friday, June 15, 2012
Stat Distribution
On concern for a lot of people is whether or not they are correctly distributing their stat points in the proper area for what they wish to do.
Putting stat points in the wrong stat and later finding out you want to swap it over to somewhere else is a timely endeavor. There is only one way to currently do it. I will discuss this at the bottom.
Your primary stats are Stamina, Attack, and Defense. As a beginner I always recommend putting all your points into Stamina until you get to 80-100 depending on preference. I say this because it will allow you to level more quickly which will open up the ability to add more fellows. Each fellow added gives you a bonus five stat points. Another advantage of having higher stamina is you feel the need to play less often. Every minute that goes by while you are capped in stamina is a minute of lost value. Because of that I think that most people check their accounts every hour and a half or so. If you push to 120 stamina you only need to check your account every two hours to quest. I consider 80-120 Stamina the minimum range of what somebody should have. Any less than that you will regret it during events that involve heavy questing. Recently the Easter Quests as well as The Roar of the Dragons. Stamina points are replenished to full by clear water.
After you have allocated Stamina I will always recommend get at least 130-150 points in attack and in defense. The reason I say these numbers is that they are the minimums necessary to hold the highest point attack cards in a five set. This will ensure you can make either one good attack or one good defend. This also comes in valuable during events that utilize attack and defense points, most recently the Holy War. Both attack and defense is refreshed using holy powder.
As for where you go from here. If you followed my advice you should be around 100 Stamina, 130 Attack, 130 Defense and wondering where to go from here. This is entirely dependent on you. Most Orders are looking for people who can maintain themselves during Holy Wars. Because of this I would recommend choosing either attack or defense, and ignore stamina.
I can't truly discuss the importance of Attack/Defense without mentioning Holy Wars. I am hoping that whoever is reading this is aware of what a Holy War is, and what the roles are of people, I will make a post about Holy Wars at some point.
Having heavy attack points gives an attacker the ability to bash an enemy multiple times. During a Holy War this is important because each time you defeat an enemy you'll gain points. This will allow you to increase your individual ranking in a holy war significantly. Having heavy attack points also means when you use a Holy Powder you may be getting 2-3 or more attacks per holy powder than somebody who only has enough attack points to hit once. Many Orders have several solid attackers.
Having heavy defense points hurts your individual ranking in a Holy War because you are unable to accumulate heavy points as an individual because of your low attack power. Because of this there are very few true defense leaders. The advantage to defense points is that no matter the attacker, you only lose 10 pts per failed attack during a Holy War. This means that if you had 300 points and you deck was a 100 point deck, they'd have to attack you 20 times. If you defense deck is strong enough for their attack leaders to not beat it, this will almost ensure a victory for your order and greater points as a group.
Having heavy stamina points is an option. This would give you the ability to accumulate huge amounts of cards through questing and use of cure water. It will also almost ensure that an Order will not take you. Many people have a second device that they use as a feeder account for this purpose. If you have 300 stamina, a cure water is that much more potent. Stamina is not so important that it should ever be at this level.
So decide what you want to do, I personally push attack power because I've always believed that even if you have no defense, if their defense can't stop your offense it doesn't matter. But anybody who knows football knows that a great offense wins games, a great defense wins championships.
Putting stat points in the wrong stat and later finding out you want to swap it over to somewhere else is a timely endeavor. There is only one way to currently do it. I will discuss this at the bottom.
Your primary stats are Stamina, Attack, and Defense. As a beginner I always recommend putting all your points into Stamina until you get to 80-100 depending on preference. I say this because it will allow you to level more quickly which will open up the ability to add more fellows. Each fellow added gives you a bonus five stat points. Another advantage of having higher stamina is you feel the need to play less often. Every minute that goes by while you are capped in stamina is a minute of lost value. Because of that I think that most people check their accounts every hour and a half or so. If you push to 120 stamina you only need to check your account every two hours to quest. I consider 80-120 Stamina the minimum range of what somebody should have. Any less than that you will regret it during events that involve heavy questing. Recently the Easter Quests as well as The Roar of the Dragons. Stamina points are replenished to full by clear water.
After you have allocated Stamina I will always recommend get at least 130-150 points in attack and in defense. The reason I say these numbers is that they are the minimums necessary to hold the highest point attack cards in a five set. This will ensure you can make either one good attack or one good defend. This also comes in valuable during events that utilize attack and defense points, most recently the Holy War. Both attack and defense is refreshed using holy powder.
As for where you go from here. If you followed my advice you should be around 100 Stamina, 130 Attack, 130 Defense and wondering where to go from here. This is entirely dependent on you. Most Orders are looking for people who can maintain themselves during Holy Wars. Because of this I would recommend choosing either attack or defense, and ignore stamina.
I can't truly discuss the importance of Attack/Defense without mentioning Holy Wars. I am hoping that whoever is reading this is aware of what a Holy War is, and what the roles are of people, I will make a post about Holy Wars at some point.
Having heavy attack points gives an attacker the ability to bash an enemy multiple times. During a Holy War this is important because each time you defeat an enemy you'll gain points. This will allow you to increase your individual ranking in a holy war significantly. Having heavy attack points also means when you use a Holy Powder you may be getting 2-3 or more attacks per holy powder than somebody who only has enough attack points to hit once. Many Orders have several solid attackers.
Having heavy defense points hurts your individual ranking in a Holy War because you are unable to accumulate heavy points as an individual because of your low attack power. Because of this there are very few true defense leaders. The advantage to defense points is that no matter the attacker, you only lose 10 pts per failed attack during a Holy War. This means that if you had 300 points and you deck was a 100 point deck, they'd have to attack you 20 times. If you defense deck is strong enough for their attack leaders to not beat it, this will almost ensure a victory for your order and greater points as a group.
Having heavy stamina points is an option. This would give you the ability to accumulate huge amounts of cards through questing and use of cure water. It will also almost ensure that an Order will not take you. Many people have a second device that they use as a feeder account for this purpose. If you have 300 stamina, a cure water is that much more potent. Stamina is not so important that it should ever be at this level.
So decide what you want to do, I personally push attack power because I've always believed that even if you have no defense, if their defense can't stop your offense it doesn't matter. But anybody who knows football knows that a great offense wins games, a great defense wins championships.
Defense Decks
In Rage of Bahamut your defense deck is a long term money maker/saver. In my Rage
of Bahamut Guide I cover several things as a generality for beginners.
In this portion I will be focused on Defense Decks and the importance of
To begin, the core of your defense deck is determined by your defense points. Every card has a cost attributed to it. Your defense decks total cost can not exceed your number of attack points. An example of this would be if you had 100 defense points. You would not be able to have five 22pt cards in that deck since the total cost would be 110. You could have three 22 point cards for a total of 66 then two 17pt cards for a total of 34 to equal a perfect 100.
In your defense deck you should have your cards with the defense power that you can achieve. If you use the recommended deck option, the game will automatically figure this for you.
Another part that plays into your defense deck are the skills that your cards bring to the table. Cards will have a variety of skills. The skills will focus on either boosting your cards or applying a debuff to the opponents cards. The buffs you want to look for in your defense deck are Increase to DEF, Increase to ATK/DEF, Decrease to enemy ATK, Decrease to enemy ATK/DEF. Your cards skills won't always trigger, so many attack decks are stacked with five cards with skills to ensure the maximum chance of them triggering. Also, there are skills that focus on cards of a specific alignment, be aware that you want to attempt to stack your alignment to get maximum benefits from these cards.
Defending plays the role in Holy Wars of preventing enemies from gathering points. It also plays the role of protecting your rupies and treasure while gathering rupies. If a player attacks you to steal your treasure and his attack deck fails against your defense deck, you gain up to 10000 rupies.
Defense points are not calculated the same way attack points are. When you are attacked during a holy war you lose only 10 of your defense points rather than the entire amount of the deck. Because of this it may be very difficult to take down a defense leader unless you can arrange several successive attacks within your order. To put it into perspective, if you have 300 defense points and your deck costs 110. Somebody would have to attack you 20 times before you would not be able to use your deck. This would require a lot of organization or the use of large amounts of holy powder by the enemy. This is assuming your defense deck always wins, of course if it's attacked by a more powerful offense deck, you immediately lose.
As you are leveling and not creating your final cards remember that leveling five cards to level 10 in your deck through enhancement is better than leveling one card to max. The fastest levels to attain on a card are the first 10-15, so get five decent cards there then you can focus on increasing them.
To begin, the core of your defense deck is determined by your defense points. Every card has a cost attributed to it. Your defense decks total cost can not exceed your number of attack points. An example of this would be if you had 100 defense points. You would not be able to have five 22pt cards in that deck since the total cost would be 110. You could have three 22 point cards for a total of 66 then two 17pt cards for a total of 34 to equal a perfect 100.
In your defense deck you should have your cards with the defense power that you can achieve. If you use the recommended deck option, the game will automatically figure this for you.
Another part that plays into your defense deck are the skills that your cards bring to the table. Cards will have a variety of skills. The skills will focus on either boosting your cards or applying a debuff to the opponents cards. The buffs you want to look for in your defense deck are Increase to DEF, Increase to ATK/DEF, Decrease to enemy ATK, Decrease to enemy ATK/DEF. Your cards skills won't always trigger, so many attack decks are stacked with five cards with skills to ensure the maximum chance of them triggering. Also, there are skills that focus on cards of a specific alignment, be aware that you want to attempt to stack your alignment to get maximum benefits from these cards.
Defending plays the role in Holy Wars of preventing enemies from gathering points. It also plays the role of protecting your rupies and treasure while gathering rupies. If a player attacks you to steal your treasure and his attack deck fails against your defense deck, you gain up to 10000 rupies.
Defense points are not calculated the same way attack points are. When you are attacked during a holy war you lose only 10 of your defense points rather than the entire amount of the deck. Because of this it may be very difficult to take down a defense leader unless you can arrange several successive attacks within your order. To put it into perspective, if you have 300 defense points and your deck costs 110. Somebody would have to attack you 20 times before you would not be able to use your deck. This would require a lot of organization or the use of large amounts of holy powder by the enemy. This is assuming your defense deck always wins, of course if it's attacked by a more powerful offense deck, you immediately lose.
As you are leveling and not creating your final cards remember that leveling five cards to level 10 in your deck through enhancement is better than leveling one card to max. The fastest levels to attain on a card are the first 10-15, so get five decent cards there then you can focus on increasing them.
Attack Decks
In Rage of Bahamut your attack deck is your bread and butter. In my Rage of Bahamut Guide I cover several things as a generality for beginners. In this portion I will be focused on Attack Decks and the importance of them.
To begin, the core of your attack deck is determined by your attack points. Every card has a cost attributed to it. Your attack decks total cost can not exceed your number of attack points. An example of this would be if you had 100 attack points. You would not be able to have five 22pt cards in that deck since the total cost would be 110. You could have three 22 point cards for a total of 66 then two 17pt cards for a total of 34 to equal a perfect 100.
In your attack deck you should have your cards with the highest attack power that you can achieve. If you use the recommended deck option, the game will automatically figure this for you.
Another part that plays into your attack deck are the skills that your cards bring to the table. Cards will have a variety of skills. The skills will focus on either boosting your cards or applying a debuff to the opponents cards. The buffs you want to look for in your attack deck are Increase to ATK, Increase to ATK/DEF, Decrease to enemy DEF, Decrease to enemy ATK/DEF. Your cards skills won't always trigger, so many attack decks are stacked with five cards with skills to ensure the maximum chance of them triggering. Also, there are skills that focus on cards of a specific alignment, be aware that you want to attempt to stack your alignment to get maximum benefits from these cards.
Attacking plays the role in Holy Wars of gathering points, it is also a method in which to attain treasure. You can attack other players to receive their treasure and up to 10000 rupies based on how much currency they currently have.
Later in the game having 220 attack points you'll be able to attack with five 22pt card deck twice in a row. 330 three times in a row. Your attack points recharge over time or you can use Holy Powder to instantly recharge them.
As you are leveling and not creating your final cards remember that leveling five cards to level 10 in your deck through enhancement is better than leveling one card to max. The fastest levels to attain on a card are the first 10-15, so get five decent cards there then you can focus on increasing them.
To begin, the core of your attack deck is determined by your attack points. Every card has a cost attributed to it. Your attack decks total cost can not exceed your number of attack points. An example of this would be if you had 100 attack points. You would not be able to have five 22pt cards in that deck since the total cost would be 110. You could have three 22 point cards for a total of 66 then two 17pt cards for a total of 34 to equal a perfect 100.
In your attack deck you should have your cards with the highest attack power that you can achieve. If you use the recommended deck option, the game will automatically figure this for you.
Another part that plays into your attack deck are the skills that your cards bring to the table. Cards will have a variety of skills. The skills will focus on either boosting your cards or applying a debuff to the opponents cards. The buffs you want to look for in your attack deck are Increase to ATK, Increase to ATK/DEF, Decrease to enemy DEF, Decrease to enemy ATK/DEF. Your cards skills won't always trigger, so many attack decks are stacked with five cards with skills to ensure the maximum chance of them triggering. Also, there are skills that focus on cards of a specific alignment, be aware that you want to attempt to stack your alignment to get maximum benefits from these cards.
Attacking plays the role in Holy Wars of gathering points, it is also a method in which to attain treasure. You can attack other players to receive their treasure and up to 10000 rupies based on how much currency they currently have.
Later in the game having 220 attack points you'll be able to attack with five 22pt card deck twice in a row. 330 three times in a row. Your attack points recharge over time or you can use Holy Powder to instantly recharge them.
As you are leveling and not creating your final cards remember that leveling five cards to level 10 in your deck through enhancement is better than leveling one card to max. The fastest levels to attain on a card are the first 10-15, so get five decent cards there then you can focus on increasing them.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Evolving is the combining of same cards into a more powerful version.
Evolving is the combining of same cards into a more powerful version.
A card will begin in its first form, there is then the second form, third form, and final form. You reach these forms by combining a card of the same type. For a simple example I will take Baby Dragon. Baby Dragon is a demon alignment card, when you combine another Baby Dragon card with Baby Dragon, it becomes Baby Dragon+. If you combine a Baby Dragon+ with another Baby Dragon it will become Baby Dragon++. If you combine it with another Baby Dragon it will become (Hatchling) Baby Dragon.
It is very important to not the (Hatchling) signifies it's in it's final form. You can also identify what form a card is in by looking at the orbs in the bottom right of the card. However many orbs are lit signifies which form the card is in. A card will also be bumped up one level in rarity.
Baby Dragon |
Baby Dragon++ |
Baby Dragon+ |
(Hatchling) Baby Dragon |
When you evolve a card it will hold 5% of it's current attack/defense power and take it with it to the next phase. If a card is enhanced (leveled) to its max before Evolution, it will retain 10% of its current stats.
Because of the way cards are evolved you can use up to 8 cards to evolve, this is done by combining cards into two of the + Versions before merging them. The ++ Version will then retain the stat boosts from each of the cards. Finally you can merge two ++ Versions into its Final Form.
There are currently 5 Common styles of evolution:
4Max: Uses four cards total, maxes each card to full level before enhancement.
6-2: Uses six cards total, only maxes the two ++ forms before enhancing into Final Form.
6-6: Uses six cards total, maxes the + and 1 normal form before combining into the ++ form. Maxes both ++ forms before evolving into Final Form.
6max: Uses six cards total, maxes each card to full level before enhancement.
8max: Uses eight cards total, maxes each card to full level before enhancement.
There are other types of enhancement but they are less common to use. The difference in style of enhancement changes what percent of a cards full potential it will reach. An 8max will reach 100% of its potential. A 4Max will result in roughly 96.5% of the full enhancement. A 6-2 will be about 97.8%. A 6-6 will be about 99.5%. A 6max will be about 99.6%. An 8Max will result in a 100%.
These numbers are trivial depending on the rarity of card. I always recommend on a card that begins as a Rare do a 6-2. If a card begins as a High Rare do a 6-6 or 6max. If a card begins as an SR or SSR I'm a firm believer of 6max or if you can attain 8, 8 max.
Rage of Bahamut Quick Starter Tips
1) At the start you will be prompted for a referral code. Use one, if a friend referred you to the game, use his. If he has not I'd appreciate it if you used mine.
J V I 1 3 7 8 9.
2) Do not trade with anybody until you have an idea of the value of things. Most high levels will seek you out to offer bad trades. That means decline 100% of the trades until you know what you're doing.
3) Did you read rule 2? Read it again. Comprehend it. Save it.
4) Which alignment is for you? Demons are heavy attack, Gods are heavy defense, Man are Balanced. Demon is most popular, followed by Gods, followed by Man. That being said, this is a card trading game, meaning Demon Cards are most expensive, followed by God, followed by Man. Pick what you want but I will note Man cards are the least expensive.
5) Put your first 80 points in stamina. This will allow you to quest and level faster. You will get attacked and lose often during early levels, don't let it discourage you as you will level faster in the end.
6) You will notice you get cards for those rings/orbs you gather early. These are called treasure cards. They have a LOW value. Do not let people fool you into trading for them. You can not Evolve these cards, as such they are often worthless. NEVER trade for them.
7) Do you still remember what rule 2 is? Read it again. Comprehend it. Save it.
8) You will NOT have good cards at the start of the game. You will get a couple of Rare cards from the Legends Starter Packs at the start. If you get High Rares, S Rares, or SS Rares from the packs, you are extremely lucky and congratulations. Save any High rares, S Rares, or SS Rares until you have an understanding of values.
9) Add Fellows right away. Each fellow added gives you a bonus 5 points to place into stats. Also, join an Order, many of these people are willing to help you if you're active.
10) I hate to say it, but go re-read rule 2. Comprehend it. Save it.
J V I 1 3 7 8 9.
2) Do not trade with anybody until you have an idea of the value of things. Most high levels will seek you out to offer bad trades. That means decline 100% of the trades until you know what you're doing.
3) Did you read rule 2? Read it again. Comprehend it. Save it.
4) Which alignment is for you? Demons are heavy attack, Gods are heavy defense, Man are Balanced. Demon is most popular, followed by Gods, followed by Man. That being said, this is a card trading game, meaning Demon Cards are most expensive, followed by God, followed by Man. Pick what you want but I will note Man cards are the least expensive.
5) Put your first 80 points in stamina. This will allow you to quest and level faster. You will get attacked and lose often during early levels, don't let it discourage you as you will level faster in the end.
6) You will notice you get cards for those rings/orbs you gather early. These are called treasure cards. They have a LOW value. Do not let people fool you into trading for them. You can not Evolve these cards, as such they are often worthless. NEVER trade for them.
7) Do you still remember what rule 2 is? Read it again. Comprehend it. Save it.
8) You will NOT have good cards at the start of the game. You will get a couple of Rare cards from the Legends Starter Packs at the start. If you get High Rares, S Rares, or SS Rares from the packs, you are extremely lucky and congratulations. Save any High rares, S Rares, or SS Rares until you have an understanding of values.
9) Add Fellows right away. Each fellow added gives you a bonus 5 points to place into stats. Also, join an Order, many of these people are willing to help you if you're active.
10) I hate to say it, but go re-read rule 2. Comprehend it. Save it.
Dark Knight Luciella
About Dark Knight Luciella
![]() |
Dark Knight Luciella |
Alright, so the Dark Knight Luciella referral card was just released and people are going way more overboard than I've expected.
Normally referral cards have had reduced value. This cards bonus plus being demon alignment has made it three to five times more valuable than any of the previous referral cards.
I would recommend while things tone down you wait on purchasing or trading for this card. I know you may have the urge to purchase Dark Knight Luciella but lets remember she's a referral card. She should have a worth of about 3-4HP.
I will note that the artwork on these cards is stunning compared to the previous cards that have released.
Hilde was sad in comparison to the final form of Luciella.
As for stats she finishes with about 13k offense and 10k defense if she's done in a 6max form. This puts her at quite an improvement over most of the rares. Her bonus if a Great Hit to foes Att/Def so she could be used on either offense or defense.
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(Fallen Paladin) Dark Knight Luciella |
Rage of Bahamut Guide
Rage of Bahamut Guide
This guide was originally posted weeks ago by me on another
site, if it seems familiar you may have seen it there. I have since had it
deleted because of a dispute I had with moderators.
-First thing that will occur upon finishing the tutorial
will be the option to add a referral code. If you find this guide helpful I
would appreciate it if you use mine. If you decide you don't wish to use mine,
use somebody's. This code gives you 100k rupies (The in game currency) as well
as a rare card Angelic Knight.
Code: J V I 1 3 7 8 9
About Choosing Alignment:
This game is heavy in demon alignment. If I could do it all over again I would probably go man alignment since they seem to be in a minority. You get a bonus to cards that match your alignment so as you can imagine, most people hunt for cards of their alignment. Meaning it's hard to find people willing to trade away their Demon cards. But when Demons get man/god cards they are always looking to trade them off.
That being said: Man cards appear to be balanced, God cards favor defense, Demon cards favor offense.
About Stam/Attack/Defense:
Stamina: Stamina gives you the ability to keep questing. I would say to put your first 60 points into stamina. This gives you one full hour between resets where you'll get your stamina back since you gain at 1 stam per minute. (This can be improved through archive bonus)
Attack: You'll notice many of your cards have a point value, your attack points determine how many points worth of cards you can place in your attack deck. If you have a 100 points of attack, you could place in 5 20 point cards and attack once, 5 10 point cards and attack twice, or even 1 10 point card and attack 10 times.
Defense: Determines how many points worth of defense cards you can have placed in your deck. Also, when people attack you and fail defense points are taken from you. So if you are attacked in succession your defense may be taken below the number necessary for your cards leaving the system to default to a weaker set up to support your current defense points.
About Quests:
Quests are your main source of cards+xp. After every 5 quests you'll fight a boss. This boss once defeated will give you gold, a holy water, and a magic circle or holy powder. Do not use these. There is no reason to use holy water unless there is an event going.
Quests also drop treasure, treasure can be used to create a card. You can either get missing pieces of treasure to complete the set from your Order or from attacking other players. I recommend the order, it's faster. Treasure cards can not be combined and are worth significantly less than other cards, you have been warned.
Code: J V I 1 3 7 8 9
About Choosing Alignment:
This game is heavy in demon alignment. If I could do it all over again I would probably go man alignment since they seem to be in a minority. You get a bonus to cards that match your alignment so as you can imagine, most people hunt for cards of their alignment. Meaning it's hard to find people willing to trade away their Demon cards. But when Demons get man/god cards they are always looking to trade them off.
That being said: Man cards appear to be balanced, God cards favor defense, Demon cards favor offense.
About Stam/Attack/Defense:
Stamina: Stamina gives you the ability to keep questing. I would say to put your first 60 points into stamina. This gives you one full hour between resets where you'll get your stamina back since you gain at 1 stam per minute. (This can be improved through archive bonus)
Attack: You'll notice many of your cards have a point value, your attack points determine how many points worth of cards you can place in your attack deck. If you have a 100 points of attack, you could place in 5 20 point cards and attack once, 5 10 point cards and attack twice, or even 1 10 point card and attack 10 times.
Defense: Determines how many points worth of defense cards you can have placed in your deck. Also, when people attack you and fail defense points are taken from you. So if you are attacked in succession your defense may be taken below the number necessary for your cards leaving the system to default to a weaker set up to support your current defense points.
About Quests:
Quests are your main source of cards+xp. After every 5 quests you'll fight a boss. This boss once defeated will give you gold, a holy water, and a magic circle or holy powder. Do not use these. There is no reason to use holy water unless there is an event going.
Quests also drop treasure, treasure can be used to create a card. You can either get missing pieces of treasure to complete the set from your Order or from attacking other players. I recommend the order, it's faster. Treasure cards can not be combined and are worth significantly less than other cards, you have been warned.
About Battles:
You have the option to battle other players. The attack deck
you choose will be pitted against your opponents defense deck. If you win, you
gain a percent of gold. If you lose, you lose a percent of your gold.
You can also target treasures. If you win you get their
treasure. Be aware when targeting a sought after treasure (normal a blue
colored treasure) the opponent may have a magic circle on it, this results in
an automatic loss.
Also, should you attack a low level player there is a chance
of divine intervention (automatic loss). This chance is increased based on the
level difference.
About Events:
Events are your bread and butter for gaining good cards and gaining levels faster. The quests from special events can sometimes give bonus xp for the stam used but all the events give you ability to gain rare cards or higher.
Always participate in events. Events are the time to use your holy water/magic powder because these are when it pays off the most.
About Events:
Events are your bread and butter for gaining good cards and gaining levels faster. The quests from special events can sometimes give bonus xp for the stam used but all the events give you ability to gain rare cards or higher.
Always participate in events. Events are the time to use your holy water/magic powder because these are when it pays off the most.
About Orders:
Always look for active Orders. If your Order is inactive you
should find a better one. Being in an active order increases your chance of
doing well during events. Also, Orders get ranks during events and if you
contribute enough to the Order you are eligible for whatever gifts they have
Orders have bonus' to Demons/Gods/Mans that are purchased
with contributions. If the Order you joined doesn't have the bonus you want at
first, don't worry, they are probably building toward it if they are active.
Always remember that this is a trading game, having a group
of people who you are social with helps.
About Enhancing:
Enhancing is using other cards to improve the power of
yours. Each rarity type can be increased so a certain level cap: Normals 20,
High Normals 30, Rares 40, High Rares 50, S Rares 60, SS Rares 70.
You can also enhance skills. By using cards with skills on
them while enhancing your card as a percentage chance of improving its skill
level. The buff/debuff the cards skill causes becomes more potent with levels.
It is recommended you only level the skill on a card that in its final form is
About Evolving:
Evolving is done by combining cards of the same type to
increase it's power. First form is the cards name, second form is the name and
+, third form is the name and ++, final form is (title) Name. It will also have
all four orbs in the lower right portion of the card filled.
There are different types of evolving that result in the
final form having different power levels. This is a starter guide so I won't go
into great depth on this. Cards hold 5% of their stat value when combined, if
you max the card to its highest level before combining it will hold 10% of its
stat value. 1000+1000 = additional 200 damage to the cards + form VS
1000+1000=100 damage to the cards + form if you don't max them. This might not
seem like much but its much larger on High Rare on up cards.
If you currently are evolving High Rares please look up
guides focusing on it. I always use 6 cards instead of 8 or 4 and I always max.
But ultimately what you want to do is your choice.
About Trading:
If you are under level 40 and have a High Rare card or a lot of Holy Powder you will probably get trades from higher levels. You should always ask yourself, why isn't a higher level making a trade with somebody of his own level and is instead trading with me?
Most of the time if the person is significantly higher level than you and your highest level card is involved in the trade, it probably isn't fair.
Also, if large amount of that seemingly useless holy powder is involved, it's also probably not fair.
Always ask your order their opinion on a trade if you're not sure, and wait until you have a good grasp of the value of things before you involve high rare cards and holy powder in trades.
If you are under level 40 and have a High Rare card or a lot of Holy Powder you will probably get trades from higher levels. You should always ask yourself, why isn't a higher level making a trade with somebody of his own level and is instead trading with me?
Most of the time if the person is significantly higher level than you and your highest level card is involved in the trade, it probably isn't fair.
Also, if large amount of that seemingly useless holy powder is involved, it's also probably not fair.
Always ask your order their opinion on a trade if you're not sure, and wait until you have a good grasp of the value of things before you involve high rare cards and holy powder in trades.
About the Value of items:
I have found that values on everything fluctuate based on
the current and next events being run. So these are rough estimates.
Cure Water (CW): Approx 50-75k each (Normally 50k) - DO NOT
Holy Powder (HP): Approx 100-150k (Normally 120k) - DO NOT USE EARLY ON.
High Rares: Varies based on card. Look for people buying in forums.
Rare Cards: Approx 150-250k each depending on seller. Also sold for 2HP/3CW.
Skilled High Normals: Seen as low as 10-15k each, as high as 30k each.
Non-Skilled High Normals: Approx 10-12k each. 100-120k for 9 set.
Normals: Approx 3k each. 30k for 9 set.
Holy Powder (HP): Approx 100-150k (Normally 120k) - DO NOT USE EARLY ON.
High Rares: Varies based on card. Look for people buying in forums.
Rare Cards: Approx 150-250k each depending on seller. Also sold for 2HP/3CW.
Skilled High Normals: Seen as low as 10-15k each, as high as 30k each.
Non-Skilled High Normals: Approx 10-12k each. 100-120k for 9 set.
Normals: Approx 3k each. 30k for 9 set.
About Breaking into Rares/High Rares:
I find the biggest question people have recently is
The best way to do this is to gather Holy Powder and use it
to purchase Rares, 2HP will buy you a rare card. Anywhere from 20HP-50HP will
purchase a High Rare card (price subject to market). I highly recommend only
purchasing High Rares of your faction for your first High Rares. I also
recommend beginning a deck by gathering and leveling Rares into final form High
Rares. This will allow you to develop a solid defense and offense for use in
Holy Wars for your order. Otherwise if you spend all your HP on a couple High
Rares you will be useless to your order while you level them. You will also
earn more High Rares during events this way.
About Farming HP:
HP can be purchased for 120k pretty often. You can engage in
what's called feeder service to gather rupies. Feeder service involved farming
level 2-2 for normal cards, once you get 9 you can sell them to a higher level
using them to enhance their card for 30-40k (normally 30-35). You can buy one
HP each time you do this four times. Since 2-2 pays out 1 card every 3 stam,
you can farm 40 cards with 120 stamina. That's 1HP for every 120 stamina.
About a section on High Rare values:
The problem with the value/tier of cards changes. Each card
has a different value to different people. I can tell you what I feel an approx
value is but this is my personal opinion, not to be taken as a stone measure.
-In demon realm I value Arch Demon > Ark Dragon > Nightmare
> Minotaur > Wraith > Inugami > Vampire Lord. All of these cards
have a higher value than their other realm counterparts because of the sheer
number of Demon players.
-In God Realm I value Brunnhilde > Ifrit > Elaine >
Titan > Cybele > Lovely Elf > Illmatar > Nymph. (To build a God
deck I would buy 6 hilds for 12HP, max them to 14k attack Valk Hilde God SS
Rare with an offense buff, repeat 5 times for a powerful attack deck) Because
of the Valks I think most good god players should focus on making an
unbreakable defense since the best defensive cards in the game are in God tier
and take the cheap offense deck. But for some reason God players keep trying to
build offense decks. I don't get it.
-In Man Realm I value Berserker > Captain > Great
Spirit > Master Witch > Paladin > Dancing Princess > Master Gunner.
Because of how few man players there are I see fewer trades. I find most seem
to stack Berserkers/Great Spirit on offense, Paladins/Captain/Dancers on
defense. Because of how few potent offense cards Man Realm has, Berserker would
have much higher value than the rest to me.
As for trades involving these cards. I believe that there
are too many issues with people wanting more than what's fair. If I had an
Ifrit and somebody offered me an Inugami for it, I wouldn't demand additional
cards. The additional card is that it's of my realm. Vice versa is also true,
if I were man realm and somebody offered me Dancing Princess for Titan, I see
no issue with it being an even trade. A High Rare is a High Rare, accept for the
ones we all know are crappy (bunnies/guinivere/peisinoe). The reason the values
are so messed up right now is because people are forgetting that.
About Quick Tips:
1) Save Cure Waters and Magic Powder for events or trade (I have sold Cure Water for 75k each when I was desperate for rupies)
2) Always check the card being traded to you to see if it is full evolved (all orbs full) If somebody is trading you a fully evolved "Rare" for one of your unevolved "Rares" you are probably getting duped.
3) Join an Order asap. You can win items by contributing to your order during events. You also meet people who are normally always looking to trade.
4) Don't waste time maxing cards before combining unless it's going to be a High Rare, S rare, or an SS rare after evolution. The amount of gold it costs really just isn't worth it. Some would argue not to do it unless it's going to be an S or SS.
1) Save Cure Waters and Magic Powder for events or trade (I have sold Cure Water for 75k each when I was desperate for rupies)
2) Always check the card being traded to you to see if it is full evolved (all orbs full) If somebody is trading you a fully evolved "Rare" for one of your unevolved "Rares" you are probably getting duped.
3) Join an Order asap. You can win items by contributing to your order during events. You also meet people who are normally always looking to trade.
4) Don't waste time maxing cards before combining unless it's going to be a High Rare, S rare, or an SS rare after evolution. The amount of gold it costs really just isn't worth it. Some would argue not to do it unless it's going to be an S or SS.
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