Sunday, July 8, 2012

Best R/HR Man Decks

There is a specific best Attack/Defense decks for each alignment. These set ups that will be listed are based on 6-2 evolutions for Rares, and 6max evolutions for High Rare on up.

Rare card Man Attack Deck:

Leader: High Shaman - 10k attack - Med Boost to Man Att/Def
Second: High Ninja - 11.2k attack - Med Boost to this Cards Att/Def
Third: High Ninja - 11.2k attack - Med Boost to this Cards Att/Def
Fourth: High Gunner - 13.6k attack - Med Hit to Foes Man Defense
Fifth: High Gunner - 13.6k attack - Med Hit to Foes Man Defense

Readers may notice that this set up is significantly different than previous Rare Decks. This deck uses three different cards. The initial card is there purely for the 100% buff. That buff gives about 3k buff overall. This stacks with the Ninjas self buffs giving additional boosts. In Rare cards man lacks a card with a solid attack buff and higher stats. An alternate configuration for the attack deck would be to stack five High Gunner and only attack Man opponents. It would be a very powerful configuration.

Rare card Man Defense Deck:

Leader: High Lancer - 10.3k defense - Med Boost to Defense (all)
Second: Holy Knight - 11.9k defense - Med Boost to Man Defense
Third: Holy Knight - 11.9k defense - Med Boost to Man Defense
Fourth: Castor - 12.5k defense - Med Boost to Self Defense
Fifth: Castor - 12.5k defense - Med Boost to Self Defense

This deck is set up in such a way to ensure the best chances of High Lancer and Holy Knight going off. High Lancer is used in the lead spot because Holy Knight has higher base stats and for the second card I'm stacking two of them. The other option would be to use Holy Knight in the top spot and two High Lancers but that reduces overall stats. 

High Rare card Man Attack Deck:

Leader: Claymore Maid - 17.9k attack - Big Boost to Man Attack
Second: Master Archer - 18.4k attack - Big Boost to Attack (all)
Third: Master Archer - 18.4k attack - Big Boost to Attack (all)
Fourth: Holy Dragoon - 17.9k attack - Big Boost to Attack (all)
Fifth: Holy Dragoon - 17.9k attack - Big Boost to Attack (all)

Lead card is Master Archer because using it allows you to use two Claymore maids which have higher base stats. The Claymore Maids are still likely to go off and using Holy Dragoons in the last two spots makes them very likely to go off. Another alternative is to use M.Archer in the top spot and then four Claymore to ensure to almost always get a Claymore skill.

High Rare card Man Defense Deck:

Leader: Paladin - 15.8k defense - Big Boost to Man Defense
Second: Queen of Hearts - 17.2k defense - Big Boost to Man/Gods Defense
Third: Queen of Hearts - 17.2k defense - Big Boost to Man/Gods Defense
Fourth: Master Astrologist - 17.4k defense - Big Hit to God Attack
Fifth: Master Astrologist - 17.4k defense - Big Hit to God Attack

This deck is pretty simple. It capitalizes on Paladin's solid buff while using Queen of Hearts and Master Astrologist for the solid stats. Players can also use four Queen of Hearts to try for a second proc on Queen.


  1. What do you think about high gunners?

    1. Anything in the High Normal category is ineffective. It is fine if you are unable to get better cards but you shouldn't be using them for too long.

      Never underestimate the importance of ability in a card. There's a reason people don't stack 5 Trow Elf.

  2. My 6-2 high gunner currently has 13664 attack vs. the 12120 of my 6-2 gladiator. Would it be better to replace one gladiator with high gunner? That way my deck will be more versatile with more attack power than having 2 gladiators.

    1. High Gunner. I keep forgetting about the newer rares. I was thinking lady Gunner. Yes, High Gunner would be fine in those spots.

  3. How about Buccaneer in the 4th and 5th position of the rare man defense deck? Since skill rarely (never?) triggers from 5th, raw defense power is what counts :-)

    1. She's a good option. Normally I suggest powerful but cheaper wing cards for my other decks. I nail paladin to the wall here for 2 reasons. 1) It's just too good at the price. 2) Resale value on FF. Paladin is one of the few cards out there were you can get way more for the FF than the cost of making one.

      Captain is cheap always.

  4. Yeah, but paladin and captain are HR. Im not at the point of getting those yet :-) Thanks for this awesome site btw!

    1. Whoops, for some reason I thought captain when you said buc.

      Bucs a fine wing card. I use Holy Knight because of proc opportunity. The stat difference is only slightly higher with Holy because of the possibility of proccing.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I recently got a 4-max Claymore Maid and have a decent chunk of leftover HP. Right now, my attack deck looks like 1) 4-max Claymore Maid, 2) 4-max Elaine (god card donated from my brother), 3) 4-max Gladiator, 4) 4-max High Gunner, 5) 4-max High Gunner.

    I'm currently building a 4-max Master Samurai to replace a card.

    I was wondering what to do for the rest of my attack deck for now:
    - I can buy 3 more Master Samurai to make it 1 Claymore and 4 Master Sams, targeting just demons.
    - I can attempt to get a 2nd FF Claymore Maid, but I'd still have two rare cards (probably replacing Elaine, keeping gunners just for stats at 4th and 5th).
    - I can build a 4-max Sanada Yukimura.

    I'm particularly wondering about that last point because, to my knowledge, Sanada has been plummeting in value (going down to 40ish HP per base). I feel like I should get him now while he's low - especially considering he's one of the cards that would get a 5th evolution (if that comes out in the NA version of the game).

    I'm not too concerned about HP for the next HW (I have a sizable amount of personal HP's I can spend for that). What would you suggest I should do?

    Thanks for the help! This blog has been an amazing resource ever since I started playing!

    1. Sanada is really only good as a wing card so he drops because there are other wing options.

      Personally, if Sanada is down to 40, I would grab him. That is really low given his end stats and I can't forsee him staying that way.

      What I would recommend if you don't have a 3 Paladin Defense with 2 Captain wings. Buy the M.Sams and use the leftover to work on your defense.

    2. I've seen base Sanada as low as 42-43 the past few days, but I think I do need to consider working on my defense deck as well. Thanks for the advice!

      - Sylvaner

  7. Noob alert here... lol. I have been reading over this whole guide and im trying to do the rare atk and def decks first. Been working on the getting all 5 Holy Knights.. Seems that if I keep leveling up that by the time I get these cards my opponents will have a higher atk than this def. At what level should I have this def deck done and completed.. If I started this account with your guide in mind?

    1. If you do it the way I recommend I'm hoping you hit certain ranks before you're capable of defeating the opponents there. The reason for you to rush stam points first is to push level.

      I wouldn't think it would take so long to get them but I honestly have become a little jaded to the difficulty. I can tell you that there is a bit of luck in card packs that changes this, and how active you are buying/selling. If you gain 17-20HP and purchase a paladin, max its level to 50, you can normally sell it for a fresh paladin and 4-5HP. This is a good way to gain HP for newbies.

      I honestly get violated by people who attack me so I very rarely worry about it. If you are going for defense leader my best advice would be to gather 5 Scribes for a cheap somewhat effective defense, then save your money for Paladins.

    2. Thanks..One more question? How do you feel about cross realm cards. For example if I have a High level Demon account and run a 3 palidan 2 captain man def. Is it a waste? Because of realm boosts.

    3. I think x-realms cards are completely viable.

  8. What about best sr / ssr man deck?

    1. I have best SR man deck posted. I haven't worked with SSR yet. Chances are I will make one post for SSR of all realms since there aren't enough viable ones that replace SR.

  9. Question...

    I'm currently MAN realm running a 70K Demon attack deck with boosts...I know, you don't have to say anything about that. I was running through ideas for a MAN HR deck so I could take advantage of my realm and I don't want to go cheap but I can't afford 5 ClayMaids. So... Mina, 2 M. Archers and 2 Dragoons or 1 Maid, 2 Archers and 2 Dragoons? All cards would be built by me since I can only find 4-6's in the bazaar and I prefer a 6 max minimum build (unless I can find a 6 max or better for a decent price). I'm thinking cost would be roughly 500-600 HP, w/Maid 6-700. I prefer boost and hit to all so I can attack any realm. Which would you recommend or do you have any better ideas? I will be using a Sektor and Gunner during wars. Defense is easy since it's 5 Lance's/Paladins which will be expensive so I'll have to wait till I'm done with my atk deck.

    1. 1) Dammit, never TRY to make a demon deck unless you are demon realm. They are too expensive for the benefit. Yes, I DO have to say something about that. Naughty.

      2) For price here ya go. 3 Claymore, 1 M. Gunner and 1 Sektor. If you really can't do 3 Clay after selling off your demon card I would recommend 1 Clay, 2 M. Samurai, 1 M. Gunner, 1 Sektor.

      3) Using wallbreakers if you can't afford 2 or 3 is normally ineffective.

      Thos are my thoughts.

  10. Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I'm going to dump my Demons over the next couple of weeks and make the MAN deck. I've decided to skip the gunner for the holy wars since I don't want to take the time to make 3 of them. Everything I've done so far has been without spending money but I figure it's time to put a little bit down. I know that even though boost/hit to (all) is a little smaller than specific realm boost/hit, I want a universal attack deck that can attack all realms and a 6-Max or higher evolved to SR deck can can do some serious damage so I've decided on this until I can afford/make a 5 card ClayMaid attack deck (if I don't skip it and go straight to SSR after I'm done).

    Non-HW attack deck: 2 Archers, 2 Dragoons and 1 G. Mina (or 3rd Archer/Dragoon)

    For Holy Wars I'll substitute odd card with a Sektor...they're cheap, I'll 8 Max that bastard.

    I've decided on this since I simply can't justify a 4-6 ClayMaid that costs 240+HP in the Bazaar when I can have 2 6-Max Archers or Dragoons for the same price and for the 3% boost it's not worth the 200 Euros for me. Besides...I love my hit to defense (all).

    You really like your Samurai's huh? I know they're cheap but I'm partial to the Archer's headlights :) ...mustache rides aren't my style and most people above level 100 don't rock a quality Demon SR defense deck.

    BTW...Great site, It's really expanded my game. For the time being I'm in a top 3,000 order (I might look for a better one as soon as I can make 75/75) and I've told them about the site a couple times.

  11. I currently plan on using a cm with 2 holy dragoons in my man attack deck and i am wondering if 2 sanada's would be better for the wings or a master archer/sanada. It's about a 2k difference but the archer actually has a decent skill and is cheaper. Also i was wondering if i should keep using the dragoon's and focus on a s rare deck or if i should be trying to swap them for more cm's? Thanks! Your guide has been very helpful for me!

    1. I prefer 3 Claymore. The buff is just sooo strong. Man doesn't offer a lot of solid SR cards, the next SOLID jump is at SSR imho.

      Since you can make more HP faster by having more HP, its cost effective to use a solid 3clay 2 M.Alch offense while you accumulate HP for Batraz, Lancelot, Muse, KA, etc.

  12. This is my first comment here, so let me start by thanking you for this blog. It's the only site I've seen that offers good analysis of RoB.

    Now to my question: I switched accounts from Demon to Man realm. Currently I have a Mina, Claymore, Phantom Thief Lupin, Master Gunner, and Witch Commander (soon to be replaced with a Sector). I am working towards 3 claymore, lupin, and sector. However, it seems to me that up until I replace the Mina, she should be in the lead spot, not the claymore. My reasoning is that a massive hit to defence all + sk lvl 2 = 16%, vs big boost to man sk lvl 3 = 15% boost. Lets say, to make math easy, that I have base atk 100k, and am trying to take down somebody with 118k def. 100k + 15% = 115k, so I lose. 118k - 16% (18,880) = 99,120, I win. So it seems to me that an equal percentage debuff is always better because it works on a larger number (if the number is smaller you've already won).

    However, I've noticed that none of your decks have debuffing cards except as wingmen or cheaper alternatives, so I was wondering if I am missing something that makes the buff cards better. Like I said, I appreciate your insight, so it's been bugging me. So back to the original question: at what point do I dump Mina?

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting.

      1) Mina is acceptable in the lead spot given your skill levels. You should be working on getting that clay to at least skill 7 though. Skill 7 is pretty easy to hit and will bring you to 19% boost. If the percentages are equal I favor debuffs for the reason you list.

      2) The reason my decks don't have debuffing options is pretty simple. In order for a debuff to be useful it needs to have the (ALL) modifier much like Mina. Once it has the (ALL) modifier its effectiveness is reduced significantly. For example, a Big Hit to ALL would only be an 8% debuff, vs a Big Boost to 'specific realm' offering a 13% buff.

      If you had a card with a massive buff to man, instead of a massive hit to all, you'd use the massive buff one because it would be 5% stronger.

      3) Drop Mina once you get your third Claymore. Leveling her skill to be high enough to be effective is expensive because of her rarity.

    2. Sounds about like what I thought, thanks for posting back! Got my second more to go until Mina loses her spot then :)

  13. Hey I'm in demon realm I'm thinking about using Man cards for my defense deck cos of the price difference and cos u said demon defense is crap till u get to SSR what are your thoughts ?

    1. With the introduction of bloody mistress the defense is acceptable. Wraith 4BM is solid.

      The amount you save going for man though is a large amount and probably worth it.

  14. K thanks for the fast reply another thing cos I'm demon realm would u reccomend going all paladins, 3 paladins 2 captains or something else ? I don't mind spending a lil extra to buy a SR if it's worth it long term

    1. 3 pallies 2 captains is my normal recommendation. If you wanted you could get a lancelot leader, 2 paladins, 2 captains. That would balance out the somewhat low paladin base defense.

  15. What do you think about the new Winter Zodiac round 2 card, Dragon Slayer as a wing card for attack deck? It looks to have just under the attack of a maid similarly enhanced maid, but its skill is big boost to self attack (and boost to large bosses, but that's more of a minor plus later on when it can come in somewhat handy for future boss killing events). It seems like any high rare that doesn't have a boost to one realm attack or defense ends up selling for about 3-5 hp now. Assuming it does drop to that range, would you prefer the Dragon Slayer or a more usual Berserker/Master Samurai as a "cheap" wing card?

    1. It's viable as a wing card if it's cheap. I take issue with self buff cards. Unless their stats are absurdly high, the self buff normally works out to be worse than an 8% buff.

    2. But if you're going to use a Berserker or Master Samurai as a wing card to save some hp instead of using 5 clays, wouldn't you prefer the self buff to attack over hit to demon defense because the self buff to attack can be useful against any deck while the hit to demons is obviously only useful against demons?
      So I guess, all else being equal, would you rather a wing card have big boost to self attack, or big hit to demon defense?

    3. I can't argue with the logic behind that. 8% all the time vs 13% 33% of the time. Although since it's an attack deck you control who you attack, but sometimes the target has to be god or man I guess.

    4. I'm liking the dragon slayer in my deck currently, He is a decent replacement for my 3rd card Lupin as his increased attack and boost is better than the 8% I was getting from Lupin, and when the 3rd slot doesn't proc he pulls even more ahead. Hes certainly a good wing for more agnostic attack focused builds as his price is right around MS (though maybe his price will go up as his stock depletes after the event). Along with the skill changes in December I think his big attack value with a good self buff would make him valuable in a large amount of decks.

    5. His price will increase as a result of the changes in proc. We will probably see a bit of increased importance on having a wing that procs a useful skill.

  16. My atk deck is 4-6 claymaid x4 plus a m.samurai as a wing card and my def deck is 4-6 paladinx3 and 4-6 captain x2.

    I've got ~200-50 HP to spare right now, should I focus on getting another claymaid or should I start saving up for SR cards? I've seen a few Sanada Yukimura going for ~200 HP recently.

    1. Save for Lancelots. But don't go into your HW reserves too deeply. This HW will be insane on spending.

  17. It is undervalued right now. The buff is 50%. Comes out to 10% buff to all if you had an average of 17k attack in your 5 cards.
    They're selling at 5 so for 100 HP, you can come close to an all claymore maid attack deck. Guess around 115k attack?

    Skilling up sucks though. Max 60%?

  18. Might I point out the card Camelot Fencer for Rare atk. Comes with 12145 atk 4-2 with med hit to def all

  19. Just a slight correction, Master Astrologist is a big hit to foe's demons ATK, not gods ATK.

  20. Thanks for the guides Lucarda. Great info and just before the next HW.
    Currently my attack deck consists of the following
    Leader: Claymore Maid - 18.01k attack - Big Boost to Man Attack sl-5
    Second: Holy Dragoon - 17.4k attack - Big Hit to Def all sl-5
    Third: Holy Dragoon - 17.4k attack - Big Hit to Def all sl-5
    Fourth: Holy Dragoon - 17.4k attack - Big Hit to Def all sl-4
    Fifth: Holy Dragoon - 17.4k attack - Big Hit to Def all sl-4

    I was considering selling the Clay and picking up an achilles. The attack difference would be minimal, but I would get another hit to def and a massive one at that. My question is, is this really worth the expenditure. I have around 200hp without selling my clay and generally the Achilles go for around 300-400.

    Once I made the exchange I might have around 100 hp left and for what?

    If it's worth it I may do it. Just looking for advice! Thanks in advance!


    1. If you pick up an Achilles keep the clay and swap out one of your Dragoons.

  21. Hallo, i have a question: could i make a man def deck with 5 queen of hearts, would it be best than your recomended deck?
    And man atk with 5 claymore maids?
    I am new in this game so i dont understand if has a reason to mix cards, i just follow the best stats, could u explain to me, bitte?

  22. The change was just made that the chances for a cards skill to occur has been cut in half if one of that card skill has just occurred.

    For example: Claymore maid x5

    1st card, 100% chance to go off. Now a clay skill has been used, so the chances of any other cards going off is cut in 1/2.

    If you use a different card as a leader, that card has 100% chance to go off and since the following cards are not the same skill, they have an increased chance of going off.

    So you mix cards to increase your chance of getting 2-3 cards going off.

  23. Question.

    Im running Paladin x3 skill 10, Lance skill5 and Witchcrafter. With the new changes to skills I´m getting beaten by "crappy" decks. So I changing one Paladin for an 6-max Queen of Heart and hoping for more skills activating.

    How shall I place my cards for the best effects? I got Paladins center then Lance, QoH and last Witchcrafter since Lance skill is lower until skill 7.

    Or is there some other card i should consider without paying all to much HP for it? =)


    1. If you're only doing one Queen, I would place lance leader, 2x Paladin, Queen, then Witchcrafter.

      Lance 100% chance of going off that way, and chances are one of your paladins will go off most the time. Finish with decent odds on the Queen.

      Nope, no other defense cards I entertain atm.

  24. Hi again =)

    A question about atk deck this time..

    I got Clay, Archer, Archer, Holy Dragoon, Sanada set up at the moment. All 4-7. Is it worth replacing the Holy Dragoon for a 6-max Phaethon??

    1. If you're just doing that for the sake of better skill proc rates, replace the Archer instead so you'd have one of each card.

  25. I'm struggling with this decision. Current I'm sitting with 1 Claymore, 2 Archers and 2 Queens sitting on my attack deck (getting me to around 85K attack). The article says hit up Holy Dragoons, but the price point for HDs are noticeably higher then Archers and Clays. Would you just add the additional archers (and have 4) to the last spots? I'm not rich in HP, hovering around 60 at the moment and haven't figured out how to gain a regular income of HP (without paying obviously).

    1. Using 2 more archers isn't a bad decision. Normally a third proc isn't common anyway.

    2. Give Phaethon a try. Equivalent buff and 95% of the attack for half the price. If your defense is severely lacking, they'll also hold their own for a while.

    3. I was considering a Phaethon also. They are cheap as heck and could get 6-10 without really much of a dent in the HP total. Holy Dragoons have the challenge that very few are posted regularly on the bazaar, so it keeps their price about twice that of an archer.

      I'm decent on defense, sitting around 84K. I have Lucarda's recommended deck except I haven't finished my last Astrologist (one of the Claymores sit in the final spot). From randoms, I win 8/10 defense battles. Eventually I'll grab that last spot, but currently I'm not pressing it. It takes me about a week to go from nothing to a 6-10.

  26. master astrologist skill in your defense part is wrong. By the way for attack im running 1.) Sanada 4-7 sk3 2.)Claymore 4-7 sk8 3.)Berserker 4-7 sk2 4.)Luminous knight4-7 5.) high alchemist 4-7 making it 90k base atk wondering if its ok to replace zerker and alchemist with ssr tristan and phaeton.

    as for defense i am planning to go 1.) paladin4-7 2.) queen of hearts4-7 3.)queen of hearts4-7 4) astologist 6-11 5 ) master bard 6-11 i was thinking of maybe switching 1 of the queen of hearts for a xuanwu yet im not sure since paladin is a boost to man only

    1. Change your line up a bit, and put the cards with bigger skill effects higher up. The Claymore should definitely be first, as you'll want to guarantee its 20% bonus. Tristan and Phaethon can replace Berserker and Alchemist for a moderate improvement.

      I tested some numbers for a Queen of Hearts + Xuanwu defense setup, and it seems be slightly weaker, not to mention significantly more costly.

  27. To help you keep this page updated, here are the latest HR man decks, with all the 6-10 stats verified.

    High Rare Card Man Attack Deck:

    Leader: Claymore Maid - 18.0k attack - Big Boost to Man ATK
    Second: Kunoichi Master - 18.5k attack - Big Boost to ATK (all)
    Third: Kunoichi Master - 18.5k attack - Big Boost to ATK (all)
    Fourth: Master Archer - 18.4k attack - Big Boost to ATK (all)
    Fifth: Master Archer - 18.4k attack - Big Boost to ATK (all)

    Total: 91.7k attack

    High Rare Card Man Defense Deck:

    Leader: Paladin - 15.9k defense - Big Boost to Man DEF
    Second: Queen of Hearts - 17.5k defense - Big Boost to Man/Gods DEF
    Third: Queen of Hearts - 17.5k defense - Big Boost to Man/Gods DEF
    Fourth: Master Bard - 18.0k defense - Big Hit to Foe's Demons ATK
    Fifth: Master Bard - 18.0k defense - Big Hit to Foe's Demons ATK

    Total: 87.0k defense

    1. High Monk, Camelot Fencer and Shield Guardian are candidates for rare decks now.

  28. Is it just me, or is the new HR card Master Adventurer amazing?
    17.3k defense - Big Boost to Man DEF (13%) (as opposed to QoH's 10% boost)

    1. Yep, it is. The new best setup goes something like this:

      Leader: Paladin - 15.9k defense - Big Boost to Man DEF
      Second: Master Adventurer - 17.3k defense - Big Boost to Man DEF
      Third: Master Adventurer - 17.3k defense - Big Boost to Man DEF
      Fourth: Queen of Hearts - 17.5k defense - Big Boost to Man/Gods DEF
      Fifth: Queen of Hearts - 17.5k defense - Big Boost to Man/Gods DEF

  29. Just about finished with my decks but I'm a bit on the fence about my Monster Summoner Mimi... Is she even worth having in my decks? What should I be focusing on next?

    Mimi, CM, MArcher, Kunoichi Master, Birthday Witch
    ~93k ATK
    Mimi, Lancelot, Longinus, MAdventurer, Queen of Hearts
    ~100k DEF
