Friday, July 20, 2012

Tears Worth It?

In the current Tears of the Moon Event the rewards for rank number #1-5 will result in the highest possibility of two SS Rares, and one S Rare (if the S Rare Up pack gives an SS Rare).

The SS Rare Kaguya will probably be the highest priced item selling for 600 or so HP. Hati, being an event S Rare and having awesome art, will probably go for close to 200HP. The final SS Rare will be going for roughly 400-600HP. So realistically we're looking at 1400HP worth of cards for first through fifth place, the highest reward.

Here's where the math starts to get messed up. The fifth place player currently is at Quest 484. I have used approximately 40CW (155 stamina) to clear through quest 75. If the quests don't get longer requiring even more CW (which I doubt) that means the player would have had to spend roughly 250CW to attain that rank.

Since it's a seventeen day event I imagine people slow down on their usage until the last couple days again. But even a light estimate puts the consumption of CW at roughly 3000+ to attain a top 5 rank. Hopefully with that type of use the player falls upon a couple Hekates but even then they may only attain another 400 or so HP.

Now, it's possible the players at the top had people remove them from fellows before the event started and had them add them afterwards to reassign their points into Stamina, allowing them to reduce CW consumption.

As far as I can tell, the rewards for this event aren't even close to worth it if the CW/HP conversion rate remains at 1:1. The only way this event is worth the amount of CW used is if all the CW was purchased when the conversion was 3CW:1HP. So, for anybody who didn't enter this event with 3000CW bought at a 3:1 conversion rate to begin with, I don't see the purpose.

And if they did purchase at 3:1, Here's the most insane part. Top rank attains 1800HP worth of cards if they land two Hekate. If the player purchased 3000CW at 3:1 (1000HP) and currently sold that CW at 1:1 for HP, they would make 3000HP instead of 1800HP in cards, this is a 1200HP gain! This means that they would still be better off only using stamina to participate in the event and selling off their CW to other players.

This is more of my thought processing on the Tears of the Moon than a direct post advising people not to participate. Also, I would appreciate any feedback from people who are high ranked in the event as to why they think it's worth it.


  1. That is some serious food for thought on the new event. I didn't know just how high the quests went up. I burned 50 CW (300 Stamina) and am almost to 100 and not even remotely close to being anywhere near the top. I could have easily used those to finish out the current content... the question is, would the regular quest rewards have been as good?
    I have pulled several great enhancer cards to speed up my evolutions.
    For a player that doesn't have a deck with high numbers, I feel the event is great, but no-so-much for people who are topped out, unless of course they have enough CW to make in the high ranking.

  2. My issue is at 10000+ (40-50CW used will put you here)for ranking we only receive 2HP as a reward.

    Also, you'll only get High Normals from the quests, angels, and gold dragons. With 50CW you'd be able to buy 20+ rares currently. They'd do a much better job in your deck than what you get from the quests.

    Or, you could buy 1-3 High Rares. Doing the quests is a must. But aiming for high rankings with CW just seems to be...a waste...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A question regarding boosts and hit. You say that a good offensive attack deck would comprise of 3 archdaemons but wouldn't nightmares be better as its boost is for 1 realm. Using the table you posted, archdaemon would have a 8% decrease while nightmare would have a 13% increase. So why is the reason you say archdaemon?

    1. You're correct on that. I meant to fix that once I found the exact percentages. For some reason I figured Arch a decrease as 10% (I think because Lucies were 10%). If Arch were 10% he'd be better by 44 attack. But if I had wheels I'd be a wagon. I'll correct the information.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I didnt have time to do this because I just started playing a few weeks ago, but you could get a feeder account up around 500 stam relatively easy. That would make your CW go MUCH further and make ranking cheaper. Too lazy to do more math but you are getting almost 3 times the return per CW than your stated 150 stam from this

  6. Hey I've been reading your blog for about a week now and find your articles really helpful :D If you could write one about leveling up skills and any tips or tricks that you might have, that would be great! Trying to skill up my valk and ifrit and they both seem to be stuck at skill level 3....

    1. Skills are tough. The way skills work is it depends partially on the rarity of the card being used and the rarity of the card being enhanced. Level ifrit first because it will be cheaper. You can use High Normals to level Ifrit for a bit, then you'll have to combine 4 HN into the Rare form and use those. OR you can buy rares for 2HP each and use them. Finally, you can use Devil Queens. I'll make a more informative post tomorrow probably.

    2. Thanks for the advice! I'll be looking forward to reading it :)
