Thursday, August 30, 2012

Best Man SR Decks

There is a specific best Attack/Defense decks for each alignment. These set ups are based on 4-6 Evolutions.

SR Man Attack Deck:

Leader: Griffon Rider - 19.8k attack - Great Boost to Attack (All)
Second: Achilles - 20.9k attack - Great Hit to Foes Defense (All)
Third: Achilles - 20.9k attack - Great Hit to Foes Defense (All)
Fourth: Achilles - 20.9k attack - Great Hit to Foes Defense (All)
Fifth: Achilles - 20.9k attack - Great Hit to Foes Defense (All)

Griffon Rider is used as the leader card in this set up in order to ensure that both Griffon and at least one of the Achilles will proc. Both buffs are 10% so they are pretty much interchangeable. Another viable variation is to use Master Alchemists in the last two spots which will result in a slightly weaker base attack, but offer a debuff to God that may occur. It's also cheaper.

SR Man Defense Deck:

Leader: Lancelot - 20.1k defense - Great Boost to Man Defense
Second: Longinus - 20.3k defense - Great Boost to Defense (All)
Third: Longinus - 20.3k defense - Great Boost to Defense (All)
Fourth: Longinus - 20.3k defense - Great Boost to Defense (All)
Fifth: Longinus - 20.3k defense - Great Boost to Defense (All)

I hate this set up so much. Longinus has a higher base defense than Lance and coupled with the fact Lancelot offers a more powerful buff supports only using one Lancelot. Now, this completely changes if you are using 5 Card Evos. Since the five card evolution of Lancelot is 21.5k you should use four of him and one Longi if you have four five card evolutions.

**If you are using 5 card evolutions it should be ONE LONGI and 4x Lancelots.**


  1. Word on Lancelot, Best Defense by far of all realms. Every time I run into Lancelot decks, I usually lose. Great work on these blogs, really insightful and helps me a ton. Keep up the great work.

    1. He's too inexpensive for how awesome a card he is.

  2. Could you post a good demon attack deck please?

    1. It's already been posted, look at the right hand side and click either Best R/HR Demon Attack Decks or Best SR Demon Attack Decks.

  3. Got a question if I switch to man from my gods account I will aprox 1500 hp what would be the beat atack and def decks could I get or should I get for man for that amount of hp

  4. And is this still the best even for new cards??

    1. Yes. 3 Claymore Maid with 2 Yuki offense is still amazing. 5 Apsara is still damn near unbeatable.

      1500HP. I would go 3 Claymore, 2 Berserker for offense. Three FF Paladin and 2 Captain for defense. I think that would run you about 1350 or so HP up to the full 1500 depending on the skill level of the cards. I recommend aiming for the 1350 HP so you have 150 left for HW.

      Rough Stats: 85k attack buffing up to 120+ on offense
      80k defense buffing up to 110k+ on defense

    2. 5 Apsara/5 Lancelot. Both damn near unbeatable.

  5. It confuses me a little bit.
    You said Man Alignment is the weakest of all three, because it's balanced.
    But you said, Lancelot is really overpowered and the best SR Def Card of all Realms.
    King Arthur is the upgrade .. so if Batraz is the best ATK card and King Arthur probably the best DEF Card - shouldn't Man Alignment be the best of all?
    Even the prices are far lower..

    1. Man alignment used to be the weakest of all alignments. Mobage released several cards to offset the fact that virtually nobody was choosing man realm because it was so bad.

      There's a reason why most players like myself and other high level demon/god players started a man account months ago.

    2. Yeah I startet a man account 1 month ago and there are no regrets - cards are so cheap if you compare to other alignments.
      This Bazaar reduces all prices, too.

      So if I would ask you now, which realm is the best for your for beginners, pros and elite (guys who have 100-500 HP for HW and stuff like that)?

  6. heya,

    sup man?
    so ive officially ditched demon for,here we go:

    i have only around 1400-1500hp

    is 3 cm 2 sanada good enough?
    or 3 cm 2 griffon?
    or 3 cm 1 sanada 1 m.alchemist

    or i can splurge my budget on attack and:
    1 cm 2 griff 2 m.alch

  7. Personally I'd go 3CM and 2 M.Alchemist but if you can't afford it 3CM and 2 Yuki and get started on defense deck.

  8. ok cool,

    when do you think the 5th evo will come?

    and from:
    3 cm 2 yuki
    whats a good upgrade? replace yukis with achilles?or is griffon enough?

    3 paladin 2 capt
    again, whats a good upgrade? replace 1 paladin with lance
    or 2 longinus with the 2 capts?

  9. good upgrade meaning below 1k hp, or 6-800hp budget.

    1. I'd just work on skilling up the CM/Yuki and using HP to start swapping out the paladins with Lancelots.

      Why do people have a hard on for longi? I just don't get why people even entertain it.

      Captains don't NEED to be replaced until you replace them with Lancelots or Muse.

    2. the last time i checked longi is around 90hp vs 150hp for lance.

      360 vs 600 for 5% difference in boost and longi has a slighty higher base but higher casting power.

      ^^the most significant upgrade of def from 3pal 2cap was 3pal 2longi compared to 1lance 2pal 2capt (budget wise)

    3. Yes, you can buy 2 Longi which will result in about a 6.2k boost in base defense. Two Longi will cost 720HP at your pricing.

      1 Lancelot will yield 4.7k boost in base since you'll be replacing a paladin with it. One lancelot was 600HP at your pricing.

      I don't see how 120HP for 1.5k additional defense and a weaker buff is worth it. I think the buff will actually end up yielding higher overall defense.

    4. cuz you can replace the 2 paladins for 2 longinus (the same boost and you get 5k def for each paladins you replace), then you can sell your paladins and start the 3 lancelots so the longinus will turn into wing cards, its the fastest way to get a good sr def deck.
      Thats def my plan.

      Longinus goes for 79-80hps nowadays, so, you can get 2 longinus with the same amount you would spend with one lancelot

  10. and, which is better:

    3pal 2 capt
    3pal 2 witchcrafter

    -capt is big hit against man (more attackers)
    -witch has higher base def and GREAT hit against god (less attackers)

    1. WC is better in that position but captains are a lot cheaper and WC doesn't offer enough gain for the price imho.

  11. ok cool.
    my 3 cm's are s10 now, and 2 yukis s3.

    what can be my next upgrade?

  12. Is there going to be a new deck configuration now that we can't stack cards

    1. There will be a shift of one card if the percentages are what I think they are. If they are greater, then there will be a two card shift.

  13. I have 3 cms and 2 yuki for atk and 3 pals and 2 caps for def
    whats my next step! how to improve this deck? thnk you

  14. would 5 yukis be good? or 5 cms?

    im also almost fully dont a longi (which i know you dont like) so which in my def should i replace when its done?

    Also for my current decks can you pls help me order them to get the best effects

  15. Replies
    1. I plan on doing it today or tomorrow yet. Will be updating all the R/HR/SR Decks. Chances are offensively it will be Grif Rider, Achilles x4. Or Grif Rider, Achillesx2, M.Alchemist Wings.

      Defensively it will end up being Longi and Lancelotsx4.

      I won't be sure until I get the stats on the new cards though.

  16. How about putting a skilled level 10 Clay on the top of ATK deck. Will it be better, and yes, cheaper Ofcourse ?

    1. I prefer Clay as well, but this refers to SR's primarily. Technically I believe Icarus may be the best top card atm anyway.

    2. Icarus has slightly higher attack than Griffon Rider, so I think this is the current best SR setup:
      Griffon Rider

  17. I´m upgrading one card in my atk deck, Should i choose Icarus or Grifon Rider. The skill% is the same? Icarus got 0.5k higher base but Griffon Rider is somewhat cheaper meaning higher skill for same amount HP. What you guys(and girls) think?

    1. Icarus is better and his skill % is higher than rider I believe. Icarus is Man/God making his buff about 3% stronger than Riders (all).

      If I recall.

    2. Icarus is Man atk/def(10%?) and Griffon Rider is atk all(10%?)

  18. I have 2 Claymore Maids, Master Alch, Master Sam, Master Archer. I am working on an Achilles as we speak. What order do you think I should go with and after Achilles is done which should I leave out?

    1. I would use Achilles in the lead, then the 2 Clays, Master Archer, then Master Alchemist, leaving out Samurai.

  19. Another question for anyone, what's the best way to lvl skill once you max evo a card?

    1. Best way to level skills is to use Skilled High Normals. If those start getting weak, you can evolve them into rares or purchase rares.

    2. I have a pally which is skill 3. I tried 10 skilled hn, I tried arch angel and 9 skilled hn. But doesn't seem to get above 55 or so. Is that what it's suppose to be and I should just cross my fingers or should I try rares with a medium boost?

    3. It's supposed to be that frustrating. It's one of the worst parts of the game, IMO.

      Rare feeders will give you higher success rates, but Lucarda's earlier calculations suggest that in the long run it is probably less costly to use HNs. If you can get a ton of rares for dirt cheap, then I don't see why not.
